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World Theories

Orange Man Bad
Böhse Tante
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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:27 am


door hit me on the way out ,bump on the back of my head,forgot the log in code.

shit happens.

but no more posts about children in facemasks,funny jokes about torturing children with eugenics bullshit and other repetitive satanic rituals i have to look at daily ,when scrolling the pages.

this is a spiritual war ,more than anything else.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:55 pm

shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Sun Oct 25, 2020 4:09 pm


I know this to be true.

when peeps find out how this works,they'll be ready for anything.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:07 pm


this is an option,but I have doubt they can actually make something that kills 30%.and have the wanted effect.

mers sars hiv are all virusses allegedly.

virusses are like soap,it's exosomes leaving cells when they are poluuted ,under attack.

a virus can not make you ill or kill you.

Me knows that sounds weird,but it's actually fear/stress/bad food/rediation that makes you ill ,it shuts down your immunesystem

still ,worth keeping in mind,so immunesystems up ,all the way up to the moon.

if necessary will spend a post on how to boost immmunesystem with available substances.



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:02 pm


ziostan will be first to show you how your own zio controlled govts are gonna follow ziostan and fok you up.

tikun olam ,it's called,



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:06 pm


cdc in usa.

this is what's coming to europe

let it sink in,no more flu ,only covid.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:36 pm


changed my mind.

I think chinese CCP is deeply involved in NWO,corruption and eugenics.

if it's true and there's a movement that wants to overthrow the CCP showing biden's laptop and other disgusting corruption/childmurder/Adrenochromeproduction/releasing diseases to fok up economies in europe and us,even with western help.

I know CCP is deeply in bed with gates and rockefeller.

fok the chinese,never trusted them,their history is one full off being slaves to the west,fokking cowards.

since 1949, mao was doing what rockefeller orders him,nothing changed.

sorry about the chinalovers here.

trusting a country of 1.5 billion slaves called Li ,is very dangerous for everybodies health.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:57 pm


this is world theories,so i won't bother anybody with too many details.

psyop or not ,the hunter biden laptop story is real ,and there are very compromsing images that will finish off the biden ,obama and probably clinton families all at once.

if you want to be in the loop ,look for Lude on gab and parler.

both are zio controlled companies so we're seeing a very weird story.

my guess is that the chance of the elections in the US being held on 3 nov is less than 50 % ,going down fast.

it's over for the Dems and we're actually watching a directed freakshow now.

hopefully Warp Speed Chabad satanic zio Trump is not gonna fok us all up before the end of next year.

there will be no opposition to trump in the us left,he'll be dictator with the ability to change the constitution into anything he wants.

have fun with the upcoming Noahide laws.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:21 am

shachalnur 2 wrote:.

changed my mind.

I think chinese CCP is deeply involved in NWO,corruption and eugenics.

if it's true and there's a movement that wants to overthrow the CCP showing biden's laptop and other disgusting corruption/childmurder/Adrenochromeproduction/releasing diseases to fok up economies in europe and us,even with western help.

I know CCP is deeply in bed with gates and rockefeller.

fok the chinese,never trusted them,their history is one full off being slaves to the west,fokking cowards.

since 1949, mao was doing what rockefeller orders him,nothing changed.

sorry about the chinalovers here.

trusting a country of 1.5 billion slaves called Li ,is very dangerous for everybodies health.



and here's who runs mr Schwab,and has been running for a long time ,at least since 9/11

he's run by the commie rothschild satanic zio's,but loves chabad anyway.


the old satanic rothschild zio rabbi's have moved to chabad satanic zio's.

the fluseason is coming and many western govts have to find a lot of sick coronavictims soon.

the flu has been cancelled,only corona now and now they need reasons for infection .

they will blame protests,hooligans,parties, overflowing govtbuildings or anything else for all those 'corona'cases.

and it's all your fault ,so more lockdowns.

but they are flucases,because the flu doesn't exist anymore.

but you'll take your flushot anyway.

so se va caer solo ,hay que prenderle fuego.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:33 am



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:34 pm


Dark Winter,also planned long ago ,2001


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:39 pm




shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:44 pm


for those who think 'scientific studies' have any value,and you should take them as proof for anything but being eugenics signalling:


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:59 pm


my opinion has been from the start that this can only be stopped by something/somebody high up making a huge mistake or betraying their masters.

i personally think hunter biden is dead as a dodo now.

the theory in the thread below (read the whole thread) is very possible,and an example of what can go 'wrong 'in this huge wordlwide psyop.

there will be more mistakes ,and they will all be covered up ,unless the mistakes are too big and forces are released that you can't put back in their bottle.

also watch everything connected to football (soccer) in europe,it's centre stage,and is decisive to calm down all hooligans and football supporters,the govts are deadscared of them.

hunter biden might be a victim ,turned perpetrator,like his sister's diary ,claiming abuse.

don't be surprised if joe biden is already dead ro replaced,

this has been set up to make a royal mess of everything in the usa.

usa is gonna be a royal shitshow,but meanwhile in europe the culling will go on untill the population fnds out what they're up against ,and completely burn down all govt offices and their leaders houses.

run them down in the streets,short but thourough trial ,and hang them slowly untill they're dead.

ALL of them.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:18 pm


in case people in the usa think there's an alternative, here your average nonwhite zio ho acting like an anti zio.



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:24 pm


this ziosatanic army eugenics massmurdering pig will take care of healthministry in ziostan,everybody is safe now.

coming to your country soon,first places like USA, england ,the EU and countries like Czech republic and poland,all chabad satanic zio whores with populations that are too weak to resist.



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:06 pm


fok zio controlled satanic ritual loving fake clone synthetics puto Putin

i'm happy to live with indiginous who burn down any govt building when they want to fumigate,or mandate masks ,distance, closed bussinesses or anything having to do with coronabullshit.

here the popoulation understands that the govt wants to kill and sterilize them ,already for decades.

that's why there's no corona here,and the govt doesn't dare to mandate anything ,cause all will be burned to the gound if they do.

very dumb indians,infinitely more stupid than the developed western world(look at bolivia for an example)



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:23 am

shachalnur 2 wrote:.

this ziosatanic army eugenics massmurdering pig will take care of healthministry in ziostan,everybody is safe now.

coming to your country soon,first places like USA, england ,the EU and countries like Czech republic and poland,all chabad satanic zio whores with populations that are too weak to resist.




Here's the German army to track and trace down 'covid' infections.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:26 pm


there is no opposition.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:50 pm



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:58 pm

shachalnur 2 wrote:.

2012 olympics london opening ceremony

this was planned long ago.



it's the Zio's that started with the dancing students on 9/11(staged), icecreamsalesmanon the beach ,nurses,doctors and everything else that dances to fok you up.

it's a psychological trick ,show dancing people and happy music ,while they kill you ,like music in the slaughterhouses to calm down the cows before you get culled


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:17 pm



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:57 pm



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:25 am


hunter biden married a south african blond jewish zio ho in 209 ,named melissa cohen and knocked her up allegedly.

this is the ho's mother:


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:37 am

shachalnur 2 wrote:.

hunter biden married a south african blond jewish zio ho in 209 ,named melissa cohen and knocked her up allegedly.

this is the ho's mother:



this is zoe cohen's adoptionagency's visiting card ,(looks like a man anyways)

this is worldwide and satanic zio's are all over the children that will be stolen ,raped and killed.

it will all come out ,unless the satanic zio's together with the Trump psyop ,the CCP and the puto putin psyop, get their way.

don't think so ,no jew will be safe after this.

any jew who forgot to take distance from this satanic sect zionism is,deserves what 's coming.


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:16 pm


just a reminder: MODERNA ,who produces the alleged corona mRNA vaxx is a Zio enterprise,and the vaxx is zio 'science'

MODERNA is also an anagram for Edom RNA.

500 million of these vaxxes is a lot,brought to you by the Army ,Warp Speed ,if true,



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:41 pm


Dark Winter is a plan from 2001


shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Böhse Tante Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:54 am


This year in October a military manoeuvre took place where US and German military practised dropping nuclear bombs on Germany. Of course, there were no reports about it in the MSM.


Twisted Evil

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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Age : 65
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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:58 pm


there you are ,somebody explains it a lot better than I can,and makes it visible

all new rules for the new normal are a Satanic initiation ritual ,and we're all supposed to participate.

read this thread ,all of it,takes only a few minutes ,and learn what we're up against.

As long as people don't see this ,the satanic cults like the Sabbateans,the Frankists and Chabad will take over ,and most won't even nnotice you are following Talmudic/Satanc situals untill you're enslaved and dead.

people don't understand that most politicians worldwide,most musicians ,most moviestars,most athletes most talking heads,and everybody that still has a platform on the Net are ALL controlled.



shachalnur 2

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World Theories - Page 7 Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur 2 Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:59 pm


what's next?

complete shitshow in the usa for the elections.

Dems vs reps ,Trump vs the rest, BLM Antifa and other bullshit psyops.

remember both sides are ultimately controlled by the same powers,mostly zio's ,so it's all theatre.

Europe is another thing,there you can't pit Dems against Reps ,BLM antifa rubbish.

It looks like the plan is the same as ww2,only this time they will releaes the white mobs on muslims,

90% of muslims in europe are not too bright poor people just trying to make a living and raise their kids.

most western euorpean countries wil create false flags ,like in france to pit the white population against the muslims ,and we might have another round of genocide on muslims ,while the white population is enslaved ,chipped ,facemasked,distanced,chipped,isolated,made poor,depressed and culled.

under cover of another round of genocide ,this time on muslims,europeans will be slaughtered by sterilizing and chipping them ,basic income ,marked cows ready for slaughter.

the only chane is that spain ,italy and german populations understand their fascist history and are aware they will be going for another round,and wake up and refuse.

eastern europe will just chip and cull their population and make sure they won't make babies anymore,in exchange for some basic income and free iphones,for sure they won't make kids,too cowardly..

it's mainly eastern europe that turns out to be pussies again ,like in ww2 and like the sovjet period.

weak fluffy peeps.

at least in ww2 the serbs/partizans had some balls ,now they're all weak slaves .

Asia will just vaxx,track,trace ,chip and sterilize their population ,and all Li's will be happy.

Africa will be overrun by china and europe,and wil go on being slaves.

south america will be fokked by usa,it's their backgarden ,and isolated south america has no chance.

still,africa and southamerica,central america won themselves some time ,and theres still hope they will regain a certain leveel of freedom ,depending on developments in usa.

when usa is too busy with thier own shitshow ,it gives certain countries a chance to escape ,like bolivia is showing .

i expect changes in colombia,chile and peru soon ,taking advantage of the shitshow in usa..

places like mexico are tricky,because the govt is not very strong and opposition is ugly,so it looks like not too much will happen there.

forced lockdowns,vaxx and chip will only cause most govt buildings to go up in smoke.

as for ziostan ,it will be cancelled,most of the population of ziostan will be killed or will have to move,the rest of the middle east will probably go up in smoke

and in exchange for this new 'holohoax' usa and europe will be taken over by zio's and be under Satanic zio rule and Noahide laws.

doesn't look good,but this is my guess for the coming weeks and months,

basically because 7 billion zombies,ignorant addicted to their toys and fears, couldn't stop a few hundred thousand Satanic transgenders.


shachalnur 2

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