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World Theories Empty World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:03 pm


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:06 pm

Suddenly. UK MSM is hammering this small 'incident' into the public conscience.
Manufacturing 'dissent' against BoJo. obviously pro EU.
pro Labor?? pro Corbyn?
Can someone/anyone explain this?
Is this a Rothschild vs Zionist battle or Liberal vs Torrie or ??? idk.

"Please leave my town": U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was told he was not welcome in the most British way possible

#PleaseLeaveMyTown top Twitter trend after Boris Johnson confronted in Yorkshire

Boris Johnson told to 'get out of' Yorkshire town

Boris Johnson has just been owned by the whole of Yorkshire and it's glorious

Boris Johnson told 'please leave my town' by polite but brutally honest man

'Please leave my town': Polite anti-Boris Johnson greeting goes viral

Man who politely told Boris Johnson 'please leave my town' hailed as hero

Man politely asks Boris Johnson to ‘please leave my town’

'Please leave my town': Boris Johnson berated by members of the public as his election campaign launch goes wrong

This is the most British response to the ongoing political crisis

How 'Please leave my town' became an anti-Boris Johnson rallying cry

Man politely tells PM to 'please leave my town' in viral exchange

'Please leave my town' voter tells Boris Johnson

Rolling Eyes

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:09 pm

I'll try.

First of all, I very much enjoy your contributions on Zodlike.
There are a lot of things happening that seem very difficult to explain and people have stopped looking for a common denominator to make any sense of it.
Still, this chaos started somewhere.

It's no coincidence the NYT published 2 days ago a huge hasbara piece about 2012.
Read it ,and you'll see nothing makes sense in this article if you remember what really happened then.

They're trying to make peeps believe that the situation now and around June 2012 are equal,
but that this time Trump, or Netanyahu's cabinet, won't stop Israel from doing whatever they want.
That's what we're fed.

Short history for people who believe Rothschild and Rockefeller are and have been instrumental in shaping history the last 200 years and maybe longer:

Before 2012 the Order was clear; Rothschild is the boss,controlling the USA through his righthand Rockefeller and the FED since 1913.

In 2012 it looked like the USA was ready to attack Iran, NATO was gonna finish off Syria and Israel would take care of Hezbollah.
But something changed abruptly: Bibi got hysterical, cursed Obama for not attacking Iran and started making deals with Russia.

►Israel is threatening strikes on Iran and Hezbollah again and Trump is supposed to help and back Israel in case that happens.
►Europe and NATO are at a distance
►Syria is under control by the good guys
►Russia is all over the Middle East.
This is definitely not the same situation as 2012.

My explanation is this:

June 2012 was the planned Endgame by Rothschild and it failed.
I think Israel found out the endgame and changed sides:
►first towards BRICS, Russia, China
then (later)
►Rockefeller controlled Trump.

Rothschild and Rockefeller's interests are different now [since China and Russia will not be pushed over and a multipolar world is more likely]
►I can see Rothschild desperately fighting for what they can hold on to: that's Europe and maybe only Britain.
►Rockefeller decided to go it alone ,understands that controlling the whole planet is not possible at the moment
and is desperately trying to fully get control over the USA and the rest of America.
►Israel is fighting for survival hoping Rockefeller and Trump won't stab her in the back.

A significant part of Israeli's will start leaving that country within a few years.
The time for 2 state solution is close to impossible; there's no solution left right now but suicide and mass murder.

Now to Britain
There's chaos because
►the main candidates right now are not controlled by Rothschild
►Corbyn  is a genuine problem for both Rothschild and Rockefeller
►Bojo looks like he's obeying Rockefeller and Trump (more than Rothschild)
So both have to go [Corbyn & BoJo] and that's gonna be messy.

I'm saying (keep in mind the possibility) that
►Rothschild (GB and Europa) and his former right hand Rockefeller (USA) are not on the same page anymore
►Israel jumped from Satanic Rothschild to Eugenics Rockefeller in 2012.

Until now keeping in mind these changes has always been helpful to 'explain the un-explainable' for the last few years.
Zod knows I've always stuck to certain strange ideas but this way of viewing the world since 2012 is not complete fiction.
People like Dr, Engdahl and Dr Lamb have come down in the comment section of veterans today in 2013 to say that what I'm seeing is certainly not impossible.

From now on if Zod lets me I'll only write on this site.
been thrown off twitter, other sites are data mining and don't trust it anymore.
hope you find something useful in the above.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:12 pm

shachalnur wrote:.

Thank you ,Zambeezi.

Makes a bit more sense to me now ,after you did a brain autocorrect.

I really hope they leave this site alone,

even syrianperpective has been closed ,and that's a syrian-american lawyer that lives in the US and works as a lawyer/translator for the federal courts.

I'll try to contribute whenever I see something that might explain certain incidents.

For example:A lot of peeps don't understand the strenghth and influence of a worldwide organization called Chabad and where they came from ,
Who was the lubavicher rabbi and who this rabbi was a continuation of..

Sadly Chabad still is extremely influential in Russia and a lot of the oligarchs still very influential in Russia are Chabad members.

It explains a lot of decisions by Russia that seem 'strange'.

Also the Israeli elections in april and now upcoming in september are not what they seem.

the same fight going is on inside GB ,USA and Israel ,they are actually the same forces clashing.

I think most of the rest of the world is aware of this ,and are involved in duck and weave techniques ,waiting for the snake to eat itself.

it's difficult to take sides in these conflicts,because both sides are massmurderers and Eugenicists.


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:13 pm

KneelB4Zod! wrote:shachalnur:

You're always welcomed!

World Theories 3077205713

Now to your post.

I see it very similary, actually. The most of differences is in terms we each use I think.

I agree that some kind of conflict happened within globaliist club while ago. And, then, division appeared. Rather than Rothschild and Rockefeller I tend to use to say Euro-centric and Amero-centric globalists are in standoff.
Euro-centric globalists, who stand for neo-liberal new world without borders, with destroyed national identities and traditions, want to rule the world from Europe. The are represented, on political stage, by Merkel, Macron or Obama for example.
Contrary Amero-centric globalist group is, actually, neo-colonialist, imperialist group that want to rule the world from the US and maintain the rest of the world as its colony.
It's not needed to say the both ways of new world order would be trully evil and satanic. And yes, I think you can freely replace Euro-centric and Amero-centric term with Rothschild and Rockefeller. As I wrote, it's just terminology.

Only think I can't fully agree on is Israel's position. I didn't see any sign of Israel's attempt to join BRICS. Since begining Israel was in full support of regime change in Syria. This would be quite damaging for Russia. Israel was always behind support for islamic terrorists.
The same terrorists who attack Russia as well. And we should not forget that it was Israel as well, who paved the way for invasion to Iraq. Netanyahu's lies in the fron of US congressmen are well documented.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:14 pm

shachalnur wrote:
hey Zod,

Thank you for welcoming me here.

great info every day.

I 'll react to your post later especially the israel/zionist part, probably later there in europe.

I live in central america,so timedifference.

promised my boys to go play football outside ,and then we'll watch germany-holland game later.

We're cheesheads after all.

see you later World Theories 141993559


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:16 pm

anon0 wrote:considering your discussion about rothschilds and rockefellers. i do not think you are aware of event that took place in 2012:

Is The End Nigh: Rockefellers And Rothschilds Merge

You know its bad when... two of the largest and best-known 'familia' in Europe and the US come together. As the FT reports, The Rockefellers and The Rothschilds are uniting under a common group as Rothschild Investment Trust and Rockefeller Financial Services become one. The patriarchs (David Rockefeller 96, and Lord Rothschild 76) have been 'connected' for five decades. Between the Rothschild's 'sprawling' multi-century banking empire across Europe and the Rockefeller's roots in 1882 Oil-money, we can only imagine the Illuminati, Freemasons, Templars, and Central Bankers of the world are quaking in their boots at this new global force for change - The Rothsellers or is it The Rockchilds. What next? It seems only Soros is left to complete the holy trinity...


they are not going against each other and they are neither trying to get control of their own dominions. they merged..in 2012. there is something else going on. and that something is big enough for them to join forces. and they are still losing control rapidly.

now. please continue with speculation.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:17 pm

KneelB4Zod! wrote:
anon0 wrote:considering your discussion about rothschilds and rockefellers. i do not think you are aware of event that took place in 2012:

Is The End Nigh: Rockefellers And Rothschilds Merge

You know its bad when... two of the largest and best-known 'familia' in Europe and the US come together. As the FT reports, The Rockefellers and The Rothschilds are uniting under a common group as Rothschild Investment Trust and Rockefeller Financial Services become one. The patriarchs (David Rockefeller 96, and Lord Rothschild 76) have been 'connected' for five decades. Between the Rothschild's 'sprawling' multi-century banking empire across Europe and the Rockefeller's roots in 1882 Oil-money, we can only imagine the Illuminati, Freemasons, Templars, and Central Bankers of the world are quaking in their boots at this new global force for change - The Rothsellers or is it The Rockchilds. What next? It seems only Soros is left to complete the holy trinity...


they are not going against each other and they are neither trying to get control of their own dominions. they merged..in 2012. there is something else going on. and that something is big enough for them to join forces. and they are still losing control rapidly.

now. please continue with speculation.

This is why I tend to use Amero-centric and Euro-centric. I think it quite well describes current situation.

I think all of this division and related events within globalist structures is linked to the failed attempt to balkanize Russia.
It was meant as "peaceful" breakup of the country and foollowing seizure of Russian wealth. Unnexpectedly, Russiarised again and recovered significantly after terrible Yeltsin's era.
Then, for Amerocentrist better option was to go to open confrontation with Russia and sacrfice all the Europe. For Eurocentrists it was, actually, not so atractive. Then division started.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:20 pm

anon0 wrote:
KneelB4Zod! wrote:

This is why I tend to use Amero-centric and Euro-centric. I think it quite well describes current situation.

as you can see interests behind TPTB are the same. they merge in 2012. there is no Amero-centric and Euro-centric divide. it is the same interests.
KneelB4Zod! wrote:
I think all of this division and related events within globalist structures is linked to the failed attempt to balkanize Russia.
It was meant as "peaceful" breakup of the country and foollowing seizure of Russian wealth. Unnexpectedly, Russia rised again and recovered significantly after terrible Yeltsin's era.

i do not think that was the case. putin was i little less of the puppet but he was never the less part of the "club". disagrement started not because of putin but because of hard line russian nationalists that seized the opportunity in ukraine to take action. as you have followed situation in libya in the time when gadddafi was disposed you are well aware that russia (and china) never did anything other that diplomatic protests. and all involved were well aware that diplomatic protests are green light for TPTB to proceed with their actions. russia became the target after ukraine situation got out of hand (new russia). and this whole situation with new russia was not planned in advance by russian side. it was pure improvisation. BTW what is going on with strelkov ? anybody knows ? he was sent to moscow and then assassinations in new russia started to heat up.

Anyhow..putin was making deals with TPTB

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and he appointed people in top of government who were continuing with economic polices of TPTB (for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Gref = but then came economic crises of 2008 and putin decided to remove them and take another road with economy. then came situation in libya when putin understood that he is next (after syria and iran) and that made him change his attitude to TPTB. it was not voluntary and it was not because of his will to do it. it was for his personal survival. i guess he did not want to be anally raped as gaddafi.

KneelB4Zod! wrote:
Then, for Amerocentrist better option was to go to open confrontation with Russia and sacrfice all the Europe. For Eurocentrists it was, actually, not so atractive. Then division started.

I think their plans whent to shit. and now they are making them along....they have some kind of idea what they want but plans they were developing for generations went to shit. and it was not because of putin or china. russia (and putin) understood what is going on in full extent only at the time when situation in ukraine was developing. russians are also improvising...are they are pretty good at it. but they are also improvising.

also, Hi everbody.

I am here from beginning. it is nice place with great information. there is something strange going on on GLP. there is always something strange on GLP but something is happening with trinity. i would say that he finally understood that he is expendable.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:04 pm

KneelB4Zod! wrote:
Welcome here and I'm glad you find informations here interesting.

World Theories 141993559

Regarding your post - I can't agree much.

Some people think that Putin is just another globalist who works together with the others etc. I don't see any logic behind such attitude.
I don't want to start historic lessons but I think it's needed to explain why I do not follow such attitude. So I'll try to summarize it quickly:

After collapse of USSR terrible Yeltsin's era started. He was utter fool, boozer and overall idiot. It was exactly the kind of stooge the globalists needed. Under his government all levels of Russian economy and businesses were infiltrated by globalist collaborators (later known as oligarchs), and everything possible was done to take over Russian wealth and funnel everything outside the country amid ongoing attempt to balkanize the country. See "Bush family project Hammer" from Deanna Spingola.

Then the time has come to find Yeltsin's successor. Putin rised straight from the pro-globalist group within Kremlin. Group known as "Kremlin Family". One of the oligarchs, later one of the biggest Putin's enemies, Boris Berezovsky, even ran Putin's election campaign on his private TV ORT (at least I think it was the TV's name). It occurred that the campaign was very successful and Putin won the election. He was meant as candidate, who will hammer final nails to the coffin of Russia and make it collapse. Instead, the very first thing he did was change of constitution and, immediately, he started to deal with oligarchs, who worked for the globalists abroad. Immediately this made him dictator, usurper and tyrant in the eyes of western corporate media and governments. Shortly after the globalists recognized that they chose the wrong man they launched backup plan and brought down Twin Towers as pretext to finish Russia by spreading military power across the globe. Then Afghanistan came, Iraq and Libya.

Back then there was really little to none for Russia what could be done except diplomatic meanings. Let's not forget - in none of the named countries Russia had it's military bases and Iraq came only 3 years after Yeltsin's era was gone. Russian economy was almost done. So was army. And let's not forged western supported conflict hotspots in Caucasus for example. Putin cleverly decided to use the time to make Russia recovered. So Russian economy largely recovered as well as army. Poverty in Russia was lower than in the US back in 2014. And, since 2011 Russia backed Syrian government against western backed terrorists. And, when time has come, Putin intervened and overturned this globalist gamble and gave them lesson never seen before.

From all of above I can assume that there is no reason to think Putin is, or ever was, a part of the globalist mafia. Except the very beginning of his political career when he was mistakenly considered as one of the globalist collaborators within Kremlin.

Regarding Amero or Euro centrists - yep, their goal is same but they have different approach and, after all, even different vision of the final version of NWO. So this is why the division exists. And it's pretty visible I think. Let's start with Amero-centrist tariffs on Euro-centrists and and with different approach regarding Iran.

So that's my opinion and it's basis.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:17 pm

anon0 wrote:
KneelB4Zod! wrote:
Then the time has come to find Yeltsin's successor. Putin rose straight from the pro-globalist group within Kremlin. Group known as "Kremlin Family". One of the oligarchs, later one of the biggest Putin's enemies, Boris Berezovsky, even ran Putin's election campaign on his private TV ORT (at least I think it was the TV's name). It occurred that the campaign was very successful and Putin won the election.

They (Berezovsky and Putin) had disagreements on how to share money; not disagreements about politics.

But, let us go back in time to Dec 31, 1999

Yeltsin's Resignation Speech with English Subtitles

Why? Why did he resign?

Who put Putin in place to became prime minister and then after Yeltsin resignation to become president of Russia?

KneelB4Zod! wrote:
He was meant as candidate, who will hammer final nails to the coffin of Russia and make it collapse. Instead, the very first thing he did was change of constitution and, immediately, he started to deal with oligarchs, who worked for the globalists abroad. Immediately this made him dictator, usurper and tyrant in the eyes of western corporate media and governments.

By whom was he created as candidate? Who had enough power to put him in that position? Who had enough power to force Berezovsky to provide propaganda? Who had enough power to force Yeltsin to resign? Who had enough power to promise (and keep promise) to Yeltsin that he will not be punished? Who had enough power (and influence) to keep Sobchak out of prison?
(In May 1990, Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's advisor on international affairs)

You see, Russia is big and old country. Putin was not some person who got lucky time and the time again and just had what it takes to become president of Russia. Somebody was taking care of his career and somebody put him in positions that helped him to become president of Russia. TPTB do not have that kind of influence in Russia.

Putin was not supposed to be a president of Russia in plans of TPTB. Somebody (or group of people) forced Yeltsin to resign and put Putin in his place. There was no particular reason why Yeltsin had to resign. It was not because of health issues. He died in 2007. Why did he resign? His resignation was great surprise to everybody in Russia.

In May 1990, Putin was appointed Mayor Sobchak's advisor on international affairs

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:28 pm

KneelB4Zod! wrote:

Yeltsin was incompetent boozer. He was close to death all the time. No one wanted nuclear superpower to be without president if he would die unexpectedly. I don't think there was much more behind it. And, at the end of his era, there was enough very influential people, close to the globalists (or, as you call them TPTB), who were in power to help Putin rise and shine. He was young, he was skilled and he participated on privatization in Russia (yet again - Bush's family project Hammer if you did not read it yet). But he was, and still is, patriot.
My opinion is that, during his early years, he witnessed what's really going on, how the country is looted and who is behind it. He kept his feelings for himself, as he felt support from the same people who looted the country, and he took the first chance to deal with them later.
No one can't deny Russia recovery that started immediately after his election. And it's pretty well documented that every single step against western backed oligarchs was pictured as Putin's oppression and tyranny.

They just made a mistake. Worst in their life's I guess. It can happen even to the greatest villains...

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by KneelB4Zod! Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:44 pm

Good idea, Zamb :-)

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"This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace." - "The Obsolete Man" - The Twilight Zone, 1961

"I assure you, ladies and gentlemen that, very soon history will show that we and our allies have fought a war on behalf of the whole world against terrorism supported by governments that will be held accountable by its own people..."
Quoting Dostoyevsky:
"Rest assured, hell is big enough for all. It doesn't deserve this fierce competition over who will be the worst." - Dr. Bashar Jaafari, UNSC session, 22nd of February, 2018

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:01 am

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:02 am

Tamonten wrote:
Regarding the whole "Who is Mr. Putin" situation, there are several facts and many theories.

But personally I believe that documentaries "Putin" (Part 1 and Part 2) and "President" (whole film) are pretty much accurate. Both in depicting what situation was in Russia there and what choices had to be done.
But I also believe that he was guided to the position by some group of highly educated and influential people. One of them may (or may not) be Primakov, who is famous for his U-turn over Atlantic ocean in 1999.

Also, regarding "he's dealing with some evil people"...
It's his work. Literally. He's not some religious leader to refuse meeting with people on the basis of anathema.
His work is to benefit Russia - as people and historical entity. Churchill despised communism, but still was dealing with Soviet Union when he had to. There's even a famous quote on the matter.

And finally - on Russia not helping [...someone...].
In the case Yugoslavia in general and Kosovo in particular Russia was just too weak. But still there was said U-turn and we managed to send paratrooper battalion to Pristina - even if it was mostly symbolic action. BTW, according to some sources, there were two signatures under the order: then-president Yeltsin and... Putin who was the secretary of defense council then. Figuratively, Putin woke Yeltsin in the middle of the night when all his pro-western councilors were asleep and convinced him to sign it.
Libyan matter is... well, a failure. But honest one. I believe that Putin genuinely tried to concentrate on internal affairs and left all international questions in the hands of then-president Medvedev. Not to mention that it was in the course of financial crisis.
Syria... well, I don't see any major failures there. The whole game about "moderate" and "not-so-moderate" militants is certainly annoying, but there's actually nothing new here, since Russia had to deal with similar situations with almost same actors two centuries ago during wars in Caucasus.
But generally... why should Russia actually save everyone? Or anyone? For self-satisfaction? Because there's too little gratitude for spent effort. Whether we look at 19th or 20th century. Or earlier. The best example here is Bulgaria, duh.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:46 am

shachalnur wrote:
KneelB4Zod! wrote:shachalnur:

You're always welcomed!

World Theories 3077205713

Now to your post.

I see it very similarly, actually. The most of differences is in terms we each use I think.

I agree that some kind of conflict happened within globalist club while ago. And, then, division appeared. Rather than Rothschild and Rockefeller I tend to use to say Euro-centric and Amero-centric globalists are in standoff.
Euro-centric globalists, who stand for neo-liberal new world without borders, with destroyed national identities and traditions, want to rule the world from Europe. The are represented, on political stage, by Merkel, Macron or Obama for example.
Contrary Amero-centric globalist group is, actually, neo-colonialist, imperialist group that want to rule the world from the US and maintain the rest of the world as its colony.
It's not needed to say the both ways of new world order would be trully evil and satanic.

And yes, I think you can freely replace Euro-centric and Amero-centric term with Rothschild and Rockefeller. As I wrote, it's just terminology.

Only thing I can't fully agree on is Israel's position.
I didn't see any sign of Israel's attempt to join BRICS.
Since beginning Israel was in full support of regime change in Syria. This would be quite damaging for Russia.
Israel was always behind support for Islamic terrorists. The same terrorists who attack Russia as well.
And we should not forget that it was Israel as well, who paved the way for invasion to Iraq.
Netanyahu's lies in front of US congressmen are well documented.


I'll try to keep it shortish.

A euro centric World Order was always the plan (Rothschild)

An amero centric World Order?
Not sure that was ever a plan, mainly because the US was, until recently, under control from London.

To control and colonialize a country you need control over the money,
and that's still Rothschild's fiat currency and Central Banks.

The US, with mainly Rockefeller's help, has been doing Rothschild's (Euro centic Order) dirty work for a century.

I think Rockefeller saw the original plan, the Endgame, going to pieces in 2012 and then went for a 'plan B' that he had been preparing for a long time.

That 'plan B' is mainly to get full control over the USA and Americas in case Rothschild's 'Grand plan' runs into trouble.

They [Rothschild/Rockefeller-Euro/Amero] are not really at war but trying to save what's possible .

Their interests are clashing now especially economically and on energy.

The whole oil supply from the middle east is going to be re-organized and Europe is in deep doodoo and, of course, they can always chose to create complete chaos, by crashing economies, releasing viruses or just bomb the crap out of everybody.

so this fight is long from over or won.

About Israel:

All the things you said are correct, their role in Iraq invasion and long before.
they supported regime change in Syria and gave back-up to jihadists close to the Golan.

but something changed in 2012.
(Israel didn't join BRICS but started to make deals with Putin an China quickly.)

More or less, I think this [original, post-2012] deal was:

If you Israel (because Obama (Rothschild) and NATO f*cked you)
want to face Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and whoever else alone, go ahead.
If you want to survive, we Russia will protect you,
but you leave Lebanon, Syria and Iran alone and let us do our job, and after that we'll see.

Israel stuck to that deal for a while and effectively turned against Rothschild in 2012.


Since the Trump psy-op was activated, Israel has started to become cocky and I suspect they tried to double-cross Putin with this gambit.

It didn't work.
Now Israel is in trouble and Putin is pissed.


The upcoming elections in Israel are risky and are not exactly what they seem.
It's about the man Bibi. (or whatever group prepared and runs this former furniture salesman)
His replacements are all the same: boring little Nazi's but a lot less powerful.

Bibi has become too big to fail.
Adelson is dumping him now. (using his wife [and] lot's of unpleasant leaks in newspapers.)

Bibi is screaming that (if he loses) it's because the election was stolen
by ... by....by.....   'the enemy'.
(dangerous stuff to shout in 'paranoid Eugenics Laboratory Ziostan'.)

Deep State Israel is taking Bibi out.
But will he go calmly and will it stay calm there?

I don't think so.



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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:26 am

Zambeezi wrote:
shachalnur wrote:.
Thank you ,Zambeezi.
Makes a bit more sense to me now ,after you did a brain autocorrect.
I really hope they leave this site alone,
even syrianperpective has been closed ,and that's a syrian-american  lawyer that lives in the US and works as a lawyer/translator for the federal courts.

I'll try to contribute whenever I see something that might explain certain incidents.

For example:A lot of peeps don't understand the strenghth and influence of a worldwide organization called Chabad and where they came from ,
Who was the lubavicher rabbi and who this rabbi was a continuation of..

Sadly Chabad still is extremely influential in Russia and a lot of the oligarchs still very influential in Russia are Chabad members.

It explains a lot of decisions by Russia that seem 'strange'.

Also the Israeli elections in april and now upcoming in september are not what they seem.

the same fight going is on inside GB ,USA and Israel ,they are actually the same forces clashing.

I think most of the rest of the world is aware of this ,and are involved in duck and weave techniques ,waiting for the snake to eat itself.

it's difficult to take sides in these conflicts,because both sides are massmurderers and Eugenicists.


Tamonten wrote:
shachalnur wrote:.

Hi there,remember you from glp.

If you don't mind,since you study history of religious and ethical teachings;

What do you know,or what is beng taught in russia about a movement called the Sabbateans,later named Frankists.

Followers of Shabtai Zvi and Jacob Frank (lithuanian)

And what do you know about the history and current influence of Chabad melubavich in Russia.

is Putin being influenced or obstructed by these snakes,and how?



I don't believe there's any significant difference in information here. It's mostly considered "dead" teaching with no significant influence on any modern "living" one.

Chabad Lubavich is considered one of "religions with roots on Russian soil" along with Orthodox Christianity, Old Ritualists, Islam and Lamaist Buddhism. It's part of formal categorization for the sake of determining which religions should have priority representation.
It mostly affects what I've mentioned while answering in the main news topic. Being one of the official Russian religions, they are in constant contacts with civil authorities and sometimes meet with Putin. But influence?..

For starters, I don't believe there's anyone who can claim they have any significant influence on him. And certainly not a relatively small and separated group of people - moreover of a declining (because their hereditary saint did not leave a successor) sect of different religion.
If you are thinking that he's influenced because he's not denying Holocaust and so on - I advise you to not expect any Russian authority to deny it. Not because they love Jews or anything - but because 18 million civilians were killed in Soviet Union in the same manner during Nazi occupation. Aside from some "village fools" here, the only ones criticizing the concept of Holocaust here are the ones who do not understand why only the Jews are counted in, while Slavs are ignored. I.e. "why are they so special?", not "it did not happen".

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:13 am

shachalnur wrote:

Thank you for your answer.

a little background,I'm jewish,Dutch,speak fluent Hebrew,lived in israel for 7 years in the 80's,had most of my family killed in the burnt offering(Holocaust),am considered a security risk by isr govt, ,even spent 2 months in jail there for certain investigations I did and other thought crimes

Yup ,sabbateans are considered 'dead',but I can assure you they are not.

The fact that Shabtai Zvi lived in 17th century ,declaring himself messias in 1666,Jacob Frank lived much later and Frankism was popular officially untill the early 1800's.

Then it was supposed to have diappeared as they were excommunicated,,but a little research will show a continuation in germany and russia.

They never went anywhere,their 'religion' is more popular than most people think, and extremely influential in the highest level of EU and USA Elites.

Chabad is a worldwide maffia,are extremely rich,mostly diamond money, are literally everywhere and have become integral part of Israel's foreign policy and intelligence networks.

They are virtually untouchable where they operate ,commit and enable all kinds of crimes(corrupting local govt.,childabuse,human and organ trafficing).

I'm trying to get peeps attention to these two movements,because they are deeply entrenched in USA,EU and Russia and very powefull.

if you want to read a bit about the Sabbateans/Frankists from jewish sources,please try The Unz report and Henry Makow's site.

in short ,they twist a concept from the Talmud, supposedly meaning that the messias will come when all people are 'good'or when all people are corrupted and perverted.

the phrase used in Chabad circles to greet eachother is: 'what have you done today to speed up the coming of the messias?'.

Think about it.


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:36 pm

shachalnur wrote:.

okay,don't want to bother people too much with my wierd views ,but here we go.

I feel there's some big changes coming up in Israel and the levant.

There's an invisible fight going on in Israel.

Haaretz ,Times of Israel and Ynet(Yediot aharonot)play an important role.

They represent the 'old powers' in Israel,the Rothschild poodles,the 'Deep State'.

whenever things get complicated they publish articles about archeologic discoveries ,that always seem to come at the right moment,and usually prove that the bible is completely correct and Jews were always there and ruled forever.

Also today a very interesting article in times of israel and haaretz.

if you go to haaretz frontpage you can read the dark blue bar under the name Haaretz:

it says:

'Election updates', 'Election results', 'What's next', ' game over?' , 'Edomites' (?), 'Arab vote', 'Who is Gantz?".

If you click edomites you get this:


it allegedly proves the bible correct and confirms Edomites as enemies of the Jews 3000 years ago.

so what?

some thanslation from english ,german and hebrew.

Rothschild is old german ,it means Red Shield.

Red Shield translated into hebrew is Magen Adom(Shield/protector of Red) ,or Magen Edom(Shield Protector of Edom).

The word Red in hebrew is written Alef(A or E)) Dalet(D) Wav(O) Mem (M).

Adom and Edom both mean 'Red 'and are written the same.

The name Rothschild was not chosen by mistake ,it literally means 'Shield /Protector of Edom'.

haaretz is playing these kind of games very often.

That's why I think this situation in Israel is far from resolved.

it's the new order(i think Rockefeller) against the old order(Rothschild) .

also in Israel.

By the way:

the Word 'Feller' in Rockefeller is old German as well.

It means 'he who cuts down'.

Did you know the only Rockefeller Museum outside the USA is located around 666 meters north of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple mount in jerusalem?

it gives the words Rothschild(Protector of Edom) and Rockefeller(He who cuts down Rocks) an interesting significance in these times.

Thank you all for letting me strut my stuff.

You never know if it turns out to be true.


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:01 am


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:17 am

MindMatters: Origins of the Power Elite: Inequality and "The 1%"

According to Walter Scheidel in The Great Leveler, the only ways to equalize the distribution of wealth effectively have involved violence on a massive scale: famine, war, state collapse, revolution. But how did things get so inequal in the first place? Today on MindMatters we discuss the first chapter of Scheidel's book, which provides an overview of the history of inequality. From chimps and hunter-gatherers to the first farmers and the emergence of classes of elites, there has always been - and arguably always will be - inequality. But certain circumstances and practices have made things perhaps more extreme than they need to be. Especially since the advent of agriculture and the possibility of surplus production, elite classes of thieves and thugs (otherwise known as governments) have greatly exacerbated wealth inequality, and created new means accruing even more wealth and power to themselves. Join us today as we begin our discussion of inequality: is it good or bad, or both? And if it's inescapable, what can be done about its negative consequences?

It is so hard for modern people to understand how differently the world was experienced in the past. A few hundred years ago, societal stratification may have created situations of inequality that looked similar to today, but it was really a very different situation. People were assigned their place in society based on birth. It was very rare for someone to move out of this birth-ranking, and everyone - whether high-born or low - were expected to grow into their social tasks. Some grew into responsibility for societal well-being. Some grew into laborers. They might have looked like masters and slaves, but that's not how they experienced themselves. People, with rare exceptions, didn't desire to escape the expectations society had of them based on their birth. High-born or low, you were judged on the basis of whether you carried out your societal function honorably and faithfully. Social position defined you, and money/possessions were not the drivers of 'inequality' as we experience it today, but merely the means by which resource exchanges could be resolved in expectable and agreed-upon ways.

With the rise of the Machiavellian psychology, all of this changed. Social functions were no longer in the driver's seat. Personal power and competitive prowess became the name of the game, and money/possessions became the tools that made it possible to quantify individual status over and above social obligations. We live in a society in which money relations define the capacity to take rather than exchange. There's very little social context implied. That's why fiat money systems are accepted despite their lack of sustainability. No one wants social/physical constraints on self-aggrandizement. With few exceptions, those in extreme poverty, given the opportunity, would become every bit as self-aggrandizing as the Donald Trumps of the world. The social fabric, as a structural reality one is born into and defines one's role in life, is shredded, and any attempt at rectifying social inequality must take this fact into account. There's no going back.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Tamonten Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:50 am

Except "Machiavellian psychology"? I've read "The Prince" very closely - it's not that big of a book and very precise one.
Machiavelli was an ideologist of inequality and utilitarianism. It's post- and anti-Machiavellian liberalism and democracy (which are completely different things actually) who lead to the modern state of affairs.

Here's the quote:
Because there are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, the third is useless.
The Prince, 22nd chapter

I must add that of 100% of population around 1% are the first class, 10% or so are the second and the rest is the 3rd.

"When every one is dead the Great Game is finished. Not before." - Rudyard Kipling, "Kim" (1901)
"But we are still alive." - "The Great Game" by Mikhail Leontyev (2007-2008)

"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination." - Brandon Sanderson, "The Way of Kings"
"Russia is the great Christian country with rich Islamic history" - Vladimir Solovyov (Russian Jew)
Quos Iupiter perdere vult, dementat.
"Europe can wait while the Russian tsar fishes." - Alexander III The Peacemaker

Ask Tamonten
From Rus' to Russia - a concert on the Red Square at the Day of Russia 2015

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:09 pm

Oh shit, when it's about buerocratic rules and such I'm clearly of the third class - or is it because I refuse it?

There's also a percentage who pretend to comprehend. That is what is taught nowadays in school - how to get along as dumb bigmouth. Hold the "western style" of education out of your countries.

Rolling Eyes

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Tamonten Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:31 pm

Böhse Tante wrote:Oh shit, when it's about buerocratic rules and such I'm clearly of the third class - or is it because I refuse it?

There's also a percentage who pretend to comprehend. That is what is taught nowadays in school - how to get along as dumb bigmouth. Hold the "western style" of education out of your countries.

Rolling Eyes

Well, it's obviously not about rules, it's about ideas and bigger concepts... Since he was telling about secretaries of the rulers.

That's it. Western ideology of "democratic liberalism" says that Machiavelli was wrong and that everyone can be at least 2nd class if they try. And everyone should try - whether they want it or not. Which is nonsense. It leads to decline of education in general and depression of those who inherently can't (and don't want) to comprehend, but forced to waste their time pretending to.

"When every one is dead the Great Game is finished. Not before." - Rudyard Kipling, "Kim" (1901)
"But we are still alive." - "The Great Game" by Mikhail Leontyev (2007-2008)

"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination." - Brandon Sanderson, "The Way of Kings"
"Russia is the great Christian country with rich Islamic history" - Vladimir Solovyov (Russian Jew)
Quos Iupiter perdere vult, dementat.
"Europe can wait while the Russian tsar fishes." - Alexander III The Peacemaker

Ask Tamonten
From Rus' to Russia - a concert on the Red Square at the Day of Russia 2015

Remember that future is always proceeded by its shadows.

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:26 pm

And it leads to depression of those who are first class and have teachers who are barely 2nd class. I met people who were studying to become teachers at high school and not understood to solve a simple percentage calculation.

As a child I was hyperlexic and read the classical Greek legends at the age of 7-8, one year later again because I had not yet understood everything. With a little bit of autism it wasn't easy for me, my teachers didn't think I was very talented.

This "one fits all" ideology does no justice to anyone, it would be better to support gifted children from poorer families, but Germany is very bad at that. Thousands of wasted potentials.

Rolling Eyes

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:59 am


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Zambeezi Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:49 am

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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Böhse Tante Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:35 am

Zambeezi wrote:

The history about alemannic carneval is a bit older:

!Just like the carnival common in the Rhineland, the Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht takes its origins from festivities, which were celebrated to consume perishable food before the beginning of lent. This kind of events are recorded in central Europe at least since the 13th century. However, one should not compare those festivities, which were different from region to region, to the Fastnacht as we know it today. In addition to the excessive food consumption, customs like dances, parades or Fastnacht games became popular since the 14th century. Food played a central role here as well, as for example in the parades of the Nuremberg guilds, the so-called “Schembartläufe”, which were popular around 1500 AD. Butcher’s dances, which featured the dancing butchers holding sausage rings, are also known from other cities."


It started as a kind of folklore, not everywhere are Masons or such behind everything.

Rolling Eyes

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by Anon Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:48 pm

Zambeezi wrote:Suddenly. UK MSM is hammering this small 'incident' into the public conscience.
Manufacturing 'dissent' against BoJo. obviously pro EU.
pro Labor?? pro Corbyn?
Can someone/anyone explain this?
Is this a Rothschild vs Zionist battle or Liberal vs Torrie or ??? idk.

"Please leave my town": U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was told he was not welcome in the most British way possible

#PleaseLeaveMyTown top Twitter trend after Boris Johnson confronted in Yorkshire

Boris Johnson told to 'get out of' Yorkshire town

Boris Johnson has just been owned by the whole of Yorkshire and it's glorious

Boris Johnson told 'please leave my town' by polite but brutally honest man

'Please leave my town': Polite anti-Boris Johnson greeting goes viral

Man who politely told Boris Johnson 'please leave my town' hailed as hero

Man politely asks Boris Johnson to ‘please leave my town’

'Please leave my town': Boris Johnson berated by members of the public as his election campaign launch goes wrong

This is the most British response to the ongoing political crisis

How 'Please leave my town' became an anti-Boris Johnson rallying cry

Man politely tells PM to 'please leave my town' in viral exchange

'Please leave my town' voter tells Boris Johnson

Rolling Eyes

Boris has said if the EU and UK aren't able to come to a new divorce agreement, then as PM he will take the UK out of the EU on October 31st without submitting to EU's wish to impose a 'surrender treaty' on UK. Boris claims this is what the people voted for in the referendum and that he has the backing of the public. So it's not so much manufacturing dissent against BoJo or the Tories, rather it is the position on Brexit he has publicly taken - it's an important distinction to make. So nothing unusual, just more of 'discredit Brexit's legitimacy' op that has been in full force ever since the Referendum result in 2016.

As for Boris himself he lived a privileged, posh upbringing (he even belonged to such 'bullingdon club' from university days where such activities included going around causing property damage to local shops they deemed to be of a lower class than them), has not just links but friendship with those in the Rothschild family. Actually last month he promoted his old Etonian buddy Zac Goldsmith(who's married to Alice Miranda Rothschild) to a position in government. Further, his history in politics, and actually outside of politics too, has already shown him to be a highly calculating person who takes positions not out of principal but for self interest.

So yeh, when it comes to his public Brexit position it could well be all smoke and mirrors. It could well be that he is trying to put lipstick on a pig by bringing back May's rotten deal to Parliament at the last minute just before 31st October and hope his 'no deal' rhetoric will push the MPs into voting for May's deal. Farage seems to think so at least.

World Theories Boris-Johnson-with-Jacob-Rothschild


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World Theories Empty Re: World Theories

Post by shachalnur ? Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:00 pm




this in an american journalist and author Maria Shriver and former wife of schwartzenegger

people try to find out what she is saying:

Look ,they're green ,they're all green'

But the flowers are pink.

people think it has something to do with the adrenochrome story.

I said days ago that by deduction and the (S)words in can see they have HIV

noww llok at this


look  at the picture on the right.


HIV is green

look what happens when you google 'HIV green' and go to images


That's why Maria shouts ,

'can't you see? they're all green"

i have been putting my ideas on twitter ,and i was gathering a lot of followers who could understand the (S)words i was reading.

i alsdo predicted that the adrenochrome batch was tainted with HIV

now it looks like twitter had enough ,and suspended me.

Maybe there is somebody brave enough to give this info to somebody who is allowed to spread it

I'm a complete nobody .

I know nobody

I also means that every famous person with muh coronavirus,actors ,politicians ,footballplayers and whatever personalities actually have HIV from drinkg a derivative iof children's blood.

Let that sink in ,what that means for the world when the entire old elite will be wiped out.

and look what famous people around you get corona.

That's the real event going on now.


shachalnur ?

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