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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Mr Badger
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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by KneelB4Zod! Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:09 am


"This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace." - "The Obsolete Man" - The Twilight Zone, 1961

"I assure you, ladies and gentlemen that, very soon history will show that we and our allies have fought a war on behalf of the whole world against terrorism supported by governments that will be held accountable by its own people..."
Quoting Dostoyevsky:
"Rest assured, hell is big enough for all. It doesn't deserve this fierce competition over who will be the worst." - Dr. Bashar Jaafari, UNSC session, 22nd of February, 2018

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:20 am

KneelB4Zod! wrote:Spriter
The Russian Forces entered into battle with the Ukraine army in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Makarov to the west of Kyiv.

#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 FMrvHMnWYActxgh?format=jpg&name=small


And here in the news they will show us pics like this and tell us that the Russians did it.

#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 2924852245

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Mr Badger Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:31 am

"Dialogue with Russia has been replaced by the West supplying arms to Ukraine. Let's burn everything they have supplied, and then see what they do next," - Vladimir Putin
Mr Badger
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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Mr Badger Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:34 am

"Dialogue with Russia has been replaced by the West supplying arms to Ukraine. Let's burn everything they have supplied, and then see what they do next," - Vladimir Putin
Mr Badger
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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by ShockJock Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:47 am

KneelB4Zod! wrote:
Guy Elster
According to Macron office, he asked #Putin the end of attacks on civilians, preservation of civilian infrastructures and preservation of road access in #Ukraine, and Putin confirmed his “willingness to engage on all three points”

That's priceless! Macron asking such things. It has been UKRAINE blowing up their own bridges to slow the advance of the Russians. It has been UKRAINE continuing to attack residential apartment buildings in Donetsk - even this morning.

This whole thing is like clown world. Everybody claims they're upset that Russia went into Ukraine and people are dying . . . where were these people for the past eight years as Ukraine was going into Luhansk and Donetsk killing upwards of 13,000 - 14,000 people? Where were their crocodile tears then?

Why is it that Macron and my government here in the USA are backing a government in Ukraine that has, as an official Army Regiment, the "AZOV" Regiment; that openly marches wearing NAZI SS patches on their uniforms, and flying Swastika flags over their units and in foxholes on battlefields?

Is it me or is the entire West disconnected from reality?

To me, Russia is RIGHT to be doing what they're doing. The people of Luhansk and Donetsk were being routinely attacked by the Ukraine military and Russia has a Responsibility-to-Protect under the UN Charter.

Moreover, Luhansk and Donetsk VOTED to leave Ukraine and join Russia, which is their right under the United Nations law of self determination. Why didn't the world say anything about THAT for eight years?

Now, the West commits the unforgiveable sin of telling a Society for Worldwide Financial Transactions, that the Society somehow has to become an agent of western governments, and kick Russia out. What financial improprieties or crimes did Russia undertake that involved any SWIFT transactions? None. So where does SWIFT get off throwing Russia out? SWIFT is not the employee of government. SWIFT is a private corporation/society!

I could go on and on, but you get my thinking. Russia is right. Ukraine is wrong. Period. Full stop.


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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:56 am

Pirata wrote:Wow, Rt.com's anti-ddos-ware is so awesome that it's literally impossible to get through to view their webpage..

What fucking suspicious traffic? It's a fucking microsoft machine that I'm using.


I have checked it, no probs here. Perhaps because I use the Yandex browser?

Question Suspect Question

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:57 am

no one wrote:
der_mick wrote:So guys, as I have nobody to talk about this I thought maybe I'll ask here for opinions.

We are in a dire situation, expecially Germany will be devastated financially and as Tante said, we might get some kind of dictatorship,too.

I am really thinking about my options for the foreseeable future.

Do you guys think it would make sense to leave the country now before it is too late?
I speak German, Romanian, English and French. As I work in IT I figure I could get a job abroad, maybe not as good as my current one, but that's no problem. I don't need much money..

Romania has the advantage that they will never be able to push vax mandates. The majority opposes it and they'll never get that through in Romania. Disadvantage is, it's even closer to Russia and if there is a major fight, it might get hit first.

I was also thinking about learning Russian and moving to Russia but maybe that's a bad idea as a German citizen at the moment.

What are your thoughts? Do you guys think about relocating? Do you think it makes sense to acquire a gun?

What are your measures to prepare for the coming problems, apart from stocking up supplies and food?

Is there anything you would consider important to do now, that will be too late later?

Thanks in advance! I'm really happy to being part of this nice little community of ours!
#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 3077205713

Firstly, I would like to apologize for replying in this main news thread, since it should only contain latest news.

As a Romanian living for more than two decades in the West, and having studying history as a hobby for quite a few years, my opinion is that Russia was never interested by Romanian territories and it would make even less sense today, having almost no relevant economic, demographic or strategic significance for them. The only danger I see is regarding the two main NATO sites that might be a target, though unlikely as they are less important than they seem.
Very few Romanians have any idea about their true history, as schools only taught a very selective and subjective narrative both before and after 1989. As an example, I found that not even 1 in 20 Romanians knows how Dobrogea came to be a part of Romania, thinking it was historically theirs for millennia.
Romania built a negative fame for itself historically as never being a trustful partner to anyone, always turning to serve the master of the day whoever they might be - Ottomans, Poles, Russians, Austro-Hungarians, Germans, Russians, French and more recently US or EU, so it historically acted as a second hand vasal country. If SHTF, it will quickly jump in the winner's boat.
Living for decades in an area with very diverse population one other aspect I found from my own experience is that Romanians are one of the most
disunited nations, often envying and undermining each-other while in diaspora.
I am saying all of these with deep sorrow but the evidence is overwhelming.

Germany is too big of a country, a main strategic partner for Russia today and on a positive evolution trend as opposed to North America which is in obvious decline. It is on the path of becoming again dominant in Europe and a major World power. I would see it as the last target on Russia's list, even in the worst case scenario if everything goes south. As you can see, it is one of the few that tried opposing sanctions and I don't think that's only because of the gas. Germany, with the inherent difficulties can survive without the Russian gas, while other European countries can't. They even made it from coal in WW2 when fuel was a critical resource and the lack of it, while very significant, it was not the main reason for their defeat.

The pandemic seems to be fading very quickly out of focus everywhere in the world and I expect present events to precipitate the drop in narrative and restrictions. Romania will blindly follow the EU guidelines and I won't ever bet on their resistance. I will have to shortly travel there and I had to take the vax and booster due to the new EU regulations which are applied in Romania as well from February 1st.

Personally, I would chose to stay in Germany, unless you have strong family and relationship ties in Romania.

You are overestimating Germany right now, it's a tool in the hands of the Anglosaxon cabal, it actually never served it's own interests since the capitulation. When the Americans needed a strong West-Germany they let it, now they want a Germany that dirties it's hands once again, only to be demolished once they lose their usefulness, only to be converted into a "sustainable" deindustrialized client state, what's the use in that for Russia? Anyways, only a politically independent Germany could have any benefit for it's people and Russia.. until then it's a pain in the ass.

By the way, Romanian language did not derive from Latin, Latin derived from the Romanian language, imagine that. The culture and civilisational achievents of the Roman Epire weren't local developments, it was imported over millenia, from East to West, there is a reason why the word RUS is in the name of of Et-rus-cans. Romania is a perfect example of how to disown and control a people by adopting their culture and knowledge to later destroy their historical memory, and the illyrians are another "mysterious" culture which the current order doesn't want to know about, I wonder why.

Romanians are wonderful people, once you start to believe that too, you lose the need to compare yourselves with others, since you discover what makes you unique in this world, the furure will be much less "Empire", things will devolp more decentralized, which will benefit mankind, but of course it is always darkest before a new dawn.. Gutenberg changed the course of history and look at how fierce the Catholic Church fought to surpress it, they failed, so will all the current elitist cretins who talk big but think small.

To understand Zeitgeist and actual reality one needs to be able to put History - Sociology - Economics - Technological progress into context, otherwise one will not be able understand the world we live in. What do you think the Vatican hides in their vaults.. the key to our understanding.

Last edited by Pirata on Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:45 am; edited 4 times in total

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by ? Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:58 am

"Empire orders Ukraine to cease negotiations.  We all can now plainly observe that Ukraine was designed as a wedge since 2014 in on way or other to destabilize Ru.F and destroy Putin.  You can truly see he had/has his back against wall.  

For the Chinese, I say this; should that happen to Russia and or to Putin.  You will without a doubt be the next one to be done; and there will be no one left to help you."

Why do you NOT have confidence that ONE PUTIN, ALL BY HIMSELF, can handle USA + NATO + EU + UK? confused

So far I see, there is not even a match going on... the west is still totally clueless as to what is REALLY happening (except their psyops propaganda)
say the the SWIFT thingy, it will cut USA and US dollar harikari style!!! bet they dont even know that!
absolute satanic ritual here, if they are not able to hit the opponent, it is destined to engulf itself!

the way I see, so far, and I calculated that USA+ wont and cant grow a brain very quickly, that means - bye bye USSA!!! 4ever!!!
I see hunger game coming to a theatre near you ... except it will be LIVE baby LIVE!!! so LIVE you may live among them!

lol!  lol!  lol!

btw the chinese is doing their thing, as usual, behind the curtains, making shit loads of money, of the stupid war USA has now crater its whatever that is left of its 'credibility' and outright become a war criminal by inciting war and even giving dates!!!

Now what if, the Chi-Rus has an agreement that rus do the front stage stuff and chi to the back stage stuff and when the curtains is down and the crowds goes home, they just split the profit quietly? and building their friendship for the next thousand years?

I mean, VVP have a chance now to get rid of the nazis, which killed his family in WWII, and now, if he succeed, he can guarantee the future generation of russian, and the world to be a much much MUCH safe place, by terminating the nazis in the white house! He will be remembered for hundreds and thousands of years forward! Imagine that!!!!

Have faith friend  bounce

There are lots of moving pieces in the background... its a three body problem... but even that, precise nearest calculations is possible, for some with special abilities or instruments!!!  Cool

Stay safe  Razz

p/s any one bough physical gold lately?! jocolor

#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 3700336097


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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:15 am

I bought physical.. I'm screaming in pain, because I am reminded on how cheap it used to be.. lol!

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by der_mick Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:20 am

Pirata wrote:
no one wrote:
der_mick wrote:So guys, as I have nobody to talk about this I thought maybe I'll ask here for opinions.

We are in a dire situation, expecially Germany will be devastated financially and as Tante said, we might get some kind of dictatorship,too.

I am really thinking about my options for the foreseeable future.

Do you guys think it would make sense to leave the country now before it is too late?
I speak German, Romanian, English and French. As I work in IT I figure I could get a job abroad, maybe not as good as my current one, but that's no problem. I don't need much money..

Romania has the advantage that they will never be able to push vax mandates. The majority opposes it and they'll never get that through in Romania. Disadvantage is, it's even closer to Russia and if there is a major fight, it might get hit first.

I was also thinking about learning Russian and moving to Russia but maybe that's a bad idea as a German citizen at the moment.

What are your thoughts? Do you guys think about relocating? Do you think it makes sense to acquire a gun?

What are your measures to prepare for the coming problems, apart from stocking up supplies and food?

Is there anything you would consider important to do now, that will be too late later?

Thanks in advance! I'm really happy to being part of this nice little community of ours!
#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 3077205713

Firstly, I would like to apologize for replying in this main news thread, since it should only contain latest news.

As a Romanian living for more than two decades in the West, and having studying history as a hobby for quite a few years, my opinion is that Russia was never interested by Romanian territories and it would make even less sense today, having almost no relevant economic, demographic or strategic significance for them. The only danger I see is regarding the two main NATO sites that might be a target, though unlikely as they are less important than they seem.
Very few Romanians have any idea about their true history, as schools only taught a very selective and subjective narrative both before and after 1989. As an example, I found that not even 1 in 20 Romanians knows how Dobrogea came to be a part of Romania, thinking it was historically theirs for millennia.
Romania built a negative fame for itself historically as never being a trustful partner to anyone, always turning to serve the master of the day whoever they might be - Ottomans, Poles, Russians, Austro-Hungarians, Germans, Russians, French and more recently US or EU, so it historically acted as a second hand vasal country. If SHTF, it will quickly jump in the winner's boat.
Living for decades in an area with very diverse population one other aspect I found from my own experience is that Romanians are one of the most
disunited nations, often envying and undermining each-other while in diaspora.
I am saying all of these with deep sorrow but the evidence is overwhelming.

Germany is too big of a country, a main strategic partner for Russia today and on a positive evolution trend as opposed to North America which is in obvious decline. It is on the path of becoming again dominant in Europe and a major World power. I would see it as the last target on Russia's list, even in the worst case scenario if everything goes south. As you can see, it is one of the few that tried opposing sanctions and I don't think that's only because of the gas. Germany, with the inherent difficulties can survive without the Russian gas, while other European countries can't. They even made it from coal in WW2 when fuel was a critical resource and the lack of it, while very significant, it was not the main reason for their defeat.

The pandemic seems to be fading very quickly out of focus everywhere in the world and I expect present events to precipitate the drop in narrative and restrictions. Romania will blindly follow the EU guidelines and I won't ever bet on their resistance. I will have to shortly travel there and I had to take the vax and booster due to the new EU regulations which are applied in Romania as well from February 1st.

Personally, I would chose to stay in Germany, unless you have strong family and relationship ties in Romania.

You are overestimating Germany right now, it's a tool in the hands of the Anglosaxon cabal, it actually never served it's own interests since the capitulation. When the Americans needed a strong West-Germany they let it, now they want a Germany that dirties it's hands once again, only to be demolished once they lose their usefulness, only to be converted into a "sustainable" deindustrialized client state, what's the use in that for Russia? Anyways, only a politically independent Germany could have any benefit for it's people and Russia.. until then it's a pain in the ass.

By the way, Romanian language did not derive from Latin, Latin derived from the Romanian language, imagine that. The culture and civilisational achievents of the Roman Epire weren't local developments, it was imported over millenia, from East to West, there is a reason why the word RUS is in the name of of Et-rus-cans, the illyrians are anyother "mystery" to the current order.. Romania is a perfect example of how to disown and control a people by adopting their culture and knowledge to later destroy their historical memory, and the illyrians are another "mysterious" culture which the current order doesn't want to know about, I wonder why.

Romanians are wonderful people, once you start to believe that too, you lose the need to compare yourselves with others, since you discover what makes you unique in this world, the furure will be much less "Empire", things will devolp more decentralized, which will benefit mankind, but of course it is always darkest before a new dawn.. Gutenberg changed the course of history and look at how fierce the Catholic Church fought to surpress it, they failed, so will all the current elitist cretins who talk big but think small.

To understand Zeitgeist and actual reality one needs to be able to put History - Sociology - Economics - Technological progress into context, otherwise one will not be able understand the world we live in. What do you think the Vatican hides in their vaults.. the key to our understanding.

Let's continue this here if you like guys (sorry for forgetting, this is a pure news thread and hijacking it again)

Last edited by der_mick on Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Abacus Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:21 am

Max Blumenthal
(February 28, 2022)

Ex-Supreme Allied NATO Commander Philip Breedlove says a no fly zone over Ukraine is “an act of war”
that requires attacking radar systems inside Russia, but the US should do it anyway
because Ukrainians are like Roman-era Christians being thrown to lions



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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:31 am

刘汉 wrote:
Pirata wrote:
Isn't it ironic how Western Socialists who call everyone "Nazis" and "Hitler" now support REAL Nazis in Ukraine?

Adolf Hitler's party was not the "Nazi Party"; It was the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and the German word used was not "Swastika," but "Hakenkreuz" (intertwined "S" in Rune script), S like Sol, not "Sig" or "Sowelo" etc. and was misused to denote SOCIALIST. I am not making this up, Adolf Hitler didn't sign with A. Hitler, but with S. Hitler. As weird as it sounds, it's archived.

I say this much, NOBODY uses the Runes 'nillywilly' style and goes unpunished, they are not a phonetic alphabet, and those Nazi occultists had no idea what they got themselves into when they thought they could employ them for their goals. Everything they thought they knew about Runes was wrong, the order in which they are represented, the actual number and the real depiction of them. If you will, the Runes represent "the language of the universe" which are energies and vibrations, the "BIOS" of our material reality so to speak.

I have to comment on this:
-Yes, it is ironic, that Western Socialists (mostly Trotzkists) support real Nazis in Ukraine. But that's how it is and it is not the first time.
-"Nazi" is just the abbreviation we used in Bavaria and Munich for the National Socialist German Workers Party. This abbreviation was used in the 1920s already. Today it is intentionally, that it is suppressed, that the NSDAP was a socialist party, they focus today on the Nationalist part. Originally it was a Socialist party with "national characteristics" as the Chinese would say, or it was a party, that was promoting "Socialism in one country" as Stalin would have said. I have no problem with that. The problem for me is, that a group inside the party took over, that was very well connected to the globalists in US and with the Conservatives in UK.
The runes were used in the Ariosophic circles in Vienna (Wien) and in the original inner circle of the NSDAP, the Thule circle in Munich. They were retired officers and aristocrats with crazy ideas. Hitler didn't like them and they didn't like him. Up to now, the origin of the runes is not clear. But as a specialist in writing systems, I can say, they are phonetical letters. But they were used for prophecy and all other stuff. The place of origin is not clear, because the famous thorn-rune comes from the Bactrian form of the Greek letters (today Afghanistan). In Central Asia, there are so-called "Turkish runes" and nobody can explain the connection to the Germanic runes. Personally I think, they are connected to the Ashina, a tribe, that belongs to the ancestors of the "Turks", that could be identical with the Germanic divine family of the Aesir (Asen) according to the Heimskringla.
The SS was using two S-runes and of course they combined them to their special form of the Svastika (Hakenkreuz). That could explain, why they preferred a special direction of the cross. The Svastica itself was taken from India and Tibet and has nothing to do with runes. It has nothing to do with the Latin word "sol" for "sun".
Direct connection to nature is only in ideographic (logographic) writing systems like the Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian cuneiform or Chinese characters. These characters depict directly their counterpart in nature. They don't give you the "name" of something, they are the thing itself. This is no magic, this is just what it is. That is connected to their form of religion: Cosmotheism. The world itself is divine. The opposite is Monotheism, where one god creates the world. The world is separated from him. In this religion the god needs to talk to his creatures from the outside. His creatures listen to his voice. So they invent phonetical signs to write down his spoken words. (Actually they steal the ideograms from the Egyptians and Sumerians and use them phonetically and separate them from their original connection to the world.) They outlaw pictures and ideograms to separate the people from the world. By doing so they destroy the original unity between the people and world. The give "names" to all things in nature to dominate and exploit them. Then they split the words. This I call magic, really black and dark magic. It is no coincidence, that democracy was developed by people with a phonetical writing system: the Greeks. But the people feel the pain of the separation. So from time to time there is a reaction. Like the fight between the Ikonodouloi and the Ikonoklastes in the Byzantine Empire. Luckily the pictures won and so the Orthodox Christians have their pictures to this very day. But the Chosen Ones need people around them, who are disconnected from the nature. So it is no coincidence, that after the victory of the pictures in Greece, in Islam the pictures were outlawed until today.


Well, I'm not all that philosophically versed, but I had once said that God is more likely to be found in a pile of dog shit than in the Bible (or any other "book"). I'm just that drastic.

What always annoys me is that everyone automatically associates socialism/communism with collectivism. Just because a few "leaders" were rather unimaginative (or forced by certain circumstances) in the early days doesn't mean that it can be done differently.

However, what is imposed on us by capitalist ideology is the opposite of a bee or ant colony. We are supposed to be like cassowaries, everyone against everyone, and aggressively too. But human beings are social creatures, designed to cooperate far more than to compete. Nothing, but absolutely nothing of our "civilisation" could have been achieved with the mindset of cassowaries.

Those who immediately fall into shock at the idea of socialism/communism have, in my opinion, simply fallen for the propaganda of the elites. By the way, the "Great Reset" has nothing "communist" about it at all, because it only cements the power of the old powers.

Besides, I don't give a shit about dogmatic ideologies, whether religious or political. If anything, it can only work if it remains "fluid", changeable, human. Anyway, I am against "isms", they rarely bring anything good.


The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:44 am

Mr Badger wrote:RT website now down in the UK.

I can still access it via VPN.


Still no probs. I dunno if this can be because I'm surfing with Yandex ...

Suspect Question pirat

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Abacus Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:26 am

Rupa Subramanya
(February 28, 2022)

"In September a report from an institute at George Washington University...revealed
that Ukrainian soldiers with links to neo-Nazi movements,
such as Azov, boasted they received training from Canada and other NATO countries."



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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Abacus Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:55 am

Francisco Nunes
(February 28, 2022)

no one puts it better than Syria 🇸🇾

Bashar al-Jaafari: Terrorists in Syria, neo-Nazis in Ukraine act under command of one operator



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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 7:05 am


OK, I was watching the news and a clip was shown of Putin talking about the sanctions. His smug grin said more than a whole library.

Another thing about the former critics, Putin should finally intervene. It was 99% clear to me that he would only do so after everything possible had been calculated and secured. He is not stupid and is risking "hara-kiri" for Russia because emotions are running high.

That's why I have no doubt that the "Causa" Ukraine will not take too much time, at the speed it has been going so far maybe another ~1 month at most. And the "value West" will defend Ukraine to the last Ukrainian. Apart from weapons and hot air, Ukraine should not expect anything. NATO will say a few nice words and keep its feet still.

Twisted Evil

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Abacus Tue Mar 01, 2022 7:07 am

Whitney Webb
(February 28, 2022)

Since the CIA is basically the secret police of elite bankers,
them creating an insurgency is obviously going to be for the benefit of guess who.
Everyone else are the losers, mainly Ukrainians. Just ask Iraq and Syria.



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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Abacus Tue Mar 01, 2022 7:19 am

Ehsan Safarnejad 🇮🇷
(February 28, 2022)

Caleb T. Maupin

My personal twitter account is NOT state-affiliated media.

Nobody at RT or in Russia tells me what to tweet on this account.

This is an attempt to discredit me & prevent people from hearing an anti imperialist message.

Shame on you Twitter!

Authoritarianism 101:
Label people as traitors to shut down dissent, then persecute them!



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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Wiltshire Cat Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:02 am


A woman whose house was allegedly destroyed and who posed for the Western media as a victim turned out to be an employee of the CIPSO

Wiltshire Cat

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:15 am


Excellent, analysis where jingoism is the name of the game.

Kevinagent wrote on 28/02/2022 16:35:

The UN already failed in the Yugoslav war and later in the 2003 Iraq war. There many western states should have been sanctioned.
But the EU-NATO still haven't had enough of their eastward expansion policy. Now more mafia states and bankrupt states are to join, above all Bosnia, Kosovo and Montenegro.

Ms Mogherini demands: EU must abolish visa requirement for Kosovo

Soon, mafia states like Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia Herzegovina are to be admitted to the EU or NATO. Not only the EU is insisting on this, but also Trump.
Association agreements are also ready to be signed for the corrupt and broken oligarch state of Moldova and Georgia.

EU accession negotiations with Bosnia: Breakthrough thanks to Merkel

Kosovo accession will bring numerous enrichments for us.
Organ trade continues to flourish in Kosovo

EU has evidence of organ trafficking during Kosovo conflict

The KLA Mafia: Organ Trafficking in Kosovo and Metohija - From "Yellow House" to "Medikus

Nato has prevented investigations into organ trafficking in Kosovo

Republic of the Mafia: How EU countries pay themselves silly on Kosovo

Mafia state by UN grace

Kosovo: Centre of organised crime


Modern slavery and human trafficking in Kosovo

Europol: Child and human trafficking on the rise in Albania / Kosovo

West downplays number of Bosnian jihadists.
Bosnia is also a retreat and stronghold for Al-Qaida and other jihadists.


USA wants to turn Bosnia into a Sharia state - Ex-Vice-President of the Republic of Srpska


Kosovo and Montenegro to join EU/NATO

Merkel, NATO chiefs and EU commissioners want more refugees to Europe, more mafia, more IS returnees, a Wahhabi Khalifat from Balkans to integrate into EU, more organ traffickers (Kosovo) in Europe, more slave trade, child trafficking (Romania,Balkans) and legalise more human trafficking in Europe like in Kosovo. The EUrocrats have completely lost their minds!


I think such things are related to the whole picture.

Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by anon Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:17 am

we are all fucked (pardon my french).

russian army did not take control of kiev or kharkiv. this is going to be a long operation with high probability that it will spread around the world. we are truly fucked.


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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:29 am

Abacus wrote:Max Blumenthal
(February 28, 2022)

Ex-Supreme Allied NATO Commander Philip Breedlove says a no fly zone over Ukraine is “an act of war”
that requires attacking radar systems inside Russia, but the US should do it anyway
because Ukrainians are like Roman-era Christians being thrown to lions


The level of manifest mental illness in these miserable people is astonishing, what did he say? I bet Afghanstan, Iraq, Libya and Syria amongst others would all have loved the Sainthood Status that NATO bestows upon Ukraine, but seriously, he seems to have forgotton to take his meds, confusing Russia with Italy, before you know these psychopaths will blow up the Colloseum, because of "evil Etruscans" and whatnot.. lol!

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by anon Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:38 am

everybody needs to see this. this is next level CGI.

https://imgur.com/a/64CG2Oi#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 64CG2Oi

can somebody imbed this. this is high level shit.


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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:53 am

anon wrote:we are all fucked (pardon my french).

russian army did not take control of kiev or kharkiv. this is going to be a long operation with high probability that it will spread around the world. we are truly fucked.

I felt like that since 9/11 when I stopped to follow my personal interests and destiny, but today I feel absolutely calm and relaxed, maybe because I lived my life, it must be different for people that still have theirs ahead, but if you allow me to give you some advice, we are not all made from the same wood, some put their personal stuff into the background, because they feel a kind of calling, others are swept away and that hinders them to realize their potential. Concerning your personal path, nobody can advice you.. maybe you should disengage for a while and turn off media, and turn inwards to find yourself, to engage yourself to find out what you can do for yourself and then believe in it, and also to believe in your future, no matter what this crazy world presents to you. They need you to tremble in fear, just remember that.

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by anon Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:12 am

Pirata wrote:
anon wrote:we are all fucked (pardon my french).

russian army did not take control of kiev or kharkiv. this is going to be a long operation with high probability that it will spread around the world. we are truly fucked.

I felt like that since 9/11 when I stopped to follow my personal interests and destiny, but today I feel absolutely calm and relaxed, maybe because I lived my life, it must be different for people that still have theirs ahead, but if you allow me to give you some advice, we are not all made from the same wood, some put their personal stuff into the background, because they feel a kind of calling, others are swept away and that hinders them to realize their potential. Concerning your personal path, nobody can advice you.. maybe you should disengage for a while and turn off media, and turn inwards to find yourself, to engage yourself to find out what you can do for yourself and then believe in it, and also to believe in your future, no matter what this crazy world presents to you. They need you to tremble in fear, just remember that.

thank you for your kind and wise words.

but we are (as all of us) fucked. it seems to me (((tptb))) are all in. putin has to know that he is all in also. there is no chance (((they))) will let him live after this. or if he is working with (((them))) than that is even worse. this is going to spread around the world. and it is going to get really ugly because there will only be one side alive after smoke clears (if even that).


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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:16 am

@Böhse Tante, concerning your last post.

Maybe this explains what it's all about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMBO_pipeline


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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:51 am

anon wrote:
Pirata wrote:
anon wrote:we are all fucked (pardon my french).

russian army did not take control of kiev or kharkiv. this is going to be a long operation with high probability that it will spread around the world. we are truly fucked.

I felt like that since 9/11 when I stopped to follow my personal interests and destiny, but today I feel absolutely calm and relaxed, maybe because I lived my life, it must be different for people that still have theirs ahead, but if you allow me to give you some advice, we are not all made from the same wood, some put their personal stuff into the background, because they feel a kind of calling, others are swept away and that hinders them to realize their potential. Concerning your personal path, nobody can advice you.. maybe you should disengage for a while and turn off media, and turn inwards to find yourself, to engage yourself to find out what you can do for yourself and then believe in it, and also to believe in your future, no matter what this crazy world presents to you. They need you to tremble in fear, just remember that.

thank you for your kind and wise words.

but we are (as all of us) fucked. it seems to me (((tptb))) are all in. putin has to know that he is all in also. there is no chance (((they))) will let him live after this. or if he is working with (((them))) than that is even worse. this is going to spread around the world. and it is going to get really ugly because there will only be one side alive after smoke clears (if even that).

So many parameters that we can speculate about all day long. This for sure is were they want our minds, but it's time to disengage from the unknowable, maybe this is a tactic, or just the uncontrolable part of chaos, but one thing I know, even the most powerful people sometimes don't know what the fuck is going on and I think we are in this kind of a moment right now.. nothing is chiseled in stone except the past, what will come depends on all of us, not just a handful of people, so "stay with you" and concern yourself first and formost with yourself to find and realize your path. Stop being distracted by all the noise.. I know that's difficult, but we can do it.

Stop caring so much about tptb, them, him etc.. if you could only achieve 10% self-importance of the same kind of narcicist tendency all these "worldleaders" have, you'd be getting out of the feeling of helplessness, by the way, I don't think Putin is part of the cabal in the way you think. He spent his life to restore Russia, only to destroy his lives achievement? Makes no sense. Nobody is perfect, that is why it's always best to start with ones own mistakes, to learn from them and be able to lead by example. We need to be adults that can take care of themselves. The state is important, but not a nanny.. if we expect it to constantly wipe our bottoms, we must not be surprised when we end up in a dictatorship.

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:26 am


Only he Headline ... no comment ...


#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 863744033
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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:28 am

In a not so subtle manner, except for morons maybe, President Putin is calling the USA the Empire of Satan, lol, epic!

#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Scree108 #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 632885762

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

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#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 Empty Re: #90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:32 am

anon wrote:everybody needs to see this. this is next level CGI.

https://imgur.com/a/64CG2Oi#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 64CG2Oi

can somebody imbed this. this is high level shit.


I try

#90 - Main news thread - conflicts, terrorism, crisis from around the globe - Page 31 64CG2Oi



Rolling Eyes

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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