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The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Mr Badger
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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Böhse Tante Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:11 am

When talking to average Germans in 90% of the cases I have a feeling they must be aliens.

pirat  geek   What a Face   pirat

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Böhse Tante Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:54 am

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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Age : 66
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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Böhse Tante Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:58 pm

Shocked Shocked Shocked

The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 949160760

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

Posts : 16241
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Age : 66
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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Talos Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:33 pm

Daily Express
A 4.1KM asteroid will close-in on Earth in April, NASA has confirmed - Could end human civilisation if it hits

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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Böhse Tante Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:16 pm

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

Posts : 16241
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Age : 66
Location : ECB City

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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Slovák Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:02 pm

the interior of a possible habitat on Mars - video: https://twitter.com/CGTNEurope/status/1239211746805547008

training for the first Mars missions - video: https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-01-16/The-analog-astronauts-training-for-the-first-Mars-missions-RAZOR-Ne4gEa4ONq/index.html


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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by KneelB4Zod! Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:44 pm

"This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace." - "The Obsolete Man" - The Twilight Zone, 1961

"I assure you, ladies and gentlemen that, very soon history will show that we and our allies have fought a war on behalf of the whole world against terrorism supported by governments that will be held accountable by its own people..."
Quoting Dostoyevsky:
"Rest assured, hell is big enough for all. It doesn't deserve this fierce competition over who will be the worst." - Dr. Bashar Jaafari, UNSC session, 22nd of February, 2018

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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Slovák Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:06 pm

Moon, Mars Mission Update: June 2020

... very informative and well done video on Musk, Lockeed ... plans for next years w/ excellent CG doku footage.


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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Böhse Tante Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:10 pm

Why only about US sci-fi?

Here comes European science:


tongue pirat

The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).

No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.

That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".

Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.

Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante
Böhse Tante

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Age : 66
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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by Slovák Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:07 pm

interview with Roscosmos Corporation CEO, a long one.


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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by KneelB4Zod! Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:22 am

This Is What It Looks Like When A Supermassive Black Hole "Eats" An Entire Star


"This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace." - "The Obsolete Man" - The Twilight Zone, 1961

"I assure you, ladies and gentlemen that, very soon history will show that we and our allies have fought a war on behalf of the whole world against terrorism supported by governments that will be held accountable by its own people..."
Quoting Dostoyevsky:
"Rest assured, hell is big enough for all. It doesn't deserve this fierce competition over who will be the worst." - Dr. Bashar Jaafari, UNSC session, 22nd of February, 2018

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The Science Article and Discussion Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: The Science Article and Discussion Thread

Post by KneelB4Zod! Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:54 am

"This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace." - "The Obsolete Man" - The Twilight Zone, 1961

"I assure you, ladies and gentlemen that, very soon history will show that we and our allies have fought a war on behalf of the whole world against terrorism supported by governments that will be held accountable by its own people..."
Quoting Dostoyevsky:
"Rest assured, hell is big enough for all. It doesn't deserve this fierce competition over who will be the worst." - Dr. Bashar Jaafari, UNSC session, 22nd of February, 2018

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