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Protests in Romania

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Protests in Romania - Page 2 Empty Re: Protests in Romania

Post by UK AC Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:36 pm

Odd how this Romania situation went of the news again so quickly. scratch Anyway here's one commentator's view of what's been going on.

Romania’s protests and the PSD: Understanding the deep malaise that now exists in Romanian society

Anti-government protests in Romania have made international headlines, with over 400 people left injured following clashes between protesters and police on 10 August. Dennis Deletant writes that the protests are a symptom of a growing malaise in Romanian society fostered by the ruling Social Democrats that is estranging the citizen from the state

Continued: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2018/08/31/romanias-protests-and-the-psd-understanding-the-deep-malaise-that-now-exists-in-romanian-society/


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