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Budō (武道)

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Budō  (武道) Empty Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:57 pm

The Art Of Enlightenment Through Contention

-Jihad (personal struggle)

-Path (to enlightenment, self-realization)

Masakatsu agatsu (正勝吾勝)

True Victory is Victory over Self

Overcoming yourself through war  by perfecting yourself

This does not mean that it must be through physical war, but it does not exclude physical struggle either.

As we go through our purification, global society is going through initiation, the self at struggle with society.

The fixed boundaries within which our consciousness has developed since the dawn of modern times are now beginning to dissolve more and more. Above all, the border to one's own inner self, which separates us from the processes of body and soul taking place in the depths, has become permeable. Unknown, compelling energies force their way into our consciousness, they are experienced as fears or depressions and prevent people from developing their free individuality.

The real misery is not outside of us, but within all of us; we are approaching the encounter with the power within us that is calling out to us: »Recognize yourself. Have the courage to see yourself as you are!«

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by 刘汉 Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:42 am

Pirata wrote:The Art Of Enlightenment Through Contention

-Jihad (personal struggle)

-Path (to enlightenment, self-realization)

Masakatsu agatsu (正勝吾勝)

True Victory is Victory over Self

Overcoming yourself through war  by perfecting yourself

This does not mean that it must be through physical war, but it does not exclude physical struggle either.

As we go through our purification, global society is going through initiation, the self at struggle with society.

The fixed boundaries within which our consciousness has developed since the dawn of modern times are now beginning to dissolve more and more. Above all, the border to one's own inner self, which separates us from the processes of body and soul taking place in the depths, has become permeable. Unknown, compelling energies force their way into our consciousness, they are experienced as fears or depressions and prevent people from developing their free individuality.

The real misery is not outside of us, but within all of us; we are approaching the encounter with the power within us that is calling out to us: »Recognize yourself. Have the courage to see yourself as you are!«

Just some additions:

武道 Japanese pronunciation: Bu do, Chinese pronunciation: wǔ dào
The Chinese pronunciation is the older one, the Japanese copied this idea from China, but had difficulties pronouncing it correctly.

Hidden inside the character 道 is 自. This is an eye and on top is a pointing finger. 自 means "self". So 道 means: vehicle or way (sanskrit: yana) to yourself.
That's why I love characters so much, they show you, what they mean.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:23 pm

Hello fellow cosmic travellers, welcome to my Dojo!

This is your humble fellow budoka sharing all things "woo woo" pertaining to current events and interests with you.

I would like to ask you not to quote whole posts of mine, only passages of interest to avoid cluttering. Thank you!

This is most defintely a multicultural thread and you are welcome to share your own spiritual insights with us.

In my youth I practiced Capoeira and also a bit Tàijíquán ((太極拳).

Your body cannot resist, or hide, what your spirit has learned, or refused to learn, in your past lifetimes
— Manahuna

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:34 pm

What really matters

On April 12, Rahu and Ketu will enter Aries (change) and Libra (justice) after stationing in their exaltion for the last 15 years.

Those who got Taurus & Sagitarius as their Moon sign or Ascendant will feel a sense of relief due to this transit. That would be me. bounce

The Sun sign plays a lesser role in Vedic astrology while the Moon and Ascendent are most relevant for predictions.

For example, President Putin has his Sun in Virgo (neutral), his Moon in Taurus (exalted), and his Ascendent in Libra
(if born at "9:30 a.m." in St. Petersburg, which most professional Vedic astrologers use as a placeholder).

So when you see me mentioning dates, it's often related to major energetic changes, "strange energies from the aether" so to speak.

Black Moon rumors

I have no idea what system the occultists of the cabal are employing, but they seem to be obssessing over the upcoming "black Moon", which will happen April 30 of this year. All in all I think they are fanatical over numbers (numerology) and magic (ritual), and I think they're a bit disorionted by following the tropical chart to maintain their Equinox holidays scheduals. So what about April 30? It will be the second new Moon in a month, a partial solar eclipse will take place in Aries (government) and it's the 77th Anniversary of Hitlers death.

I would use that day to stay put, light a candle, pray Psalm 23 until the evil spirits fade out and return to whence they've been send from.

What is and will happen

Right now we have planetary war between Mars and Venus, a contest between those who want to make a real job of it, and those who want to stop it from happening. On April 29 Saturn will enter the scene for a planetary war with Jupiter in the sign of Aries (government),
which heralds the start of a new cycle (era).

Budō  (武道) Fra_je10

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:27 pm

In many ways, the Japanese martial arts can be said to be the heirs of the Chinese. In the 15th century, for example, Okinawa was under Chinese rule. The occupiers banned the local population from owning weapons. With an unbroken will to resist, the residents of Okinawa learned a martial art based on Chinese Kempo: »Hand of China«. The ban on weapons was maintained even when Okinawa fell under Japanese rule in 1609. The local fighting style, practiced secretly and mostly at night, was known as karatedō (空手道), known as "the way of the empty hand" to underline its affiliation with Budō. The word kara not only means empty, but above all »devoid of any aggressive intention« and evokes the Zen »experience of emptiness«. When karate is separated from the dō, it degenerates into a brutal spectacle that bears no connection with the Karatedō, that Funakoshi Gishin practiced until his death at the age of 89.

»When the eagle swoops in attack, it has not spread its wings.
Shortly before jumping onto the prey, the tiger makes himself
small and has laid its ears back. Likewise, the sage gives no
indication that he has come to the point of action.«
— Funakoshi Gishin

Budō  (武道) Img_2310

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Tito Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:28 pm

My uncle forbid my mother to open her mouth when they would go to Zagreb, because he was ashamed of their Kaikavian tongue. There is still a strong public and institutional discrimination of Kaikavian language and that's why it is very endangered now, because inter-generational transmission has already been broken. Kaikavian language existed long before Croatia came into existence and is one of the oldest languages of Europe.

In 2013 the NSA "disclosed"their analysis that Tito "did not speak Serbo-Croatian" as a native, but some other slavic language, maybe Polish or Russian, I kid you not! This is the kind of "most advanced" analysis you get from the biggest and most expensive spy org that has ever existed, but then the Croatian government came forward and explained to them, that there are in fact two distinct Croatian languages, Kajkavski Horvatski and Stokavski Hrvatski, which they forgot to mention to their new "partners", probably because they felt a bit nervous, because they had practiced 150 years of discrimination against the Kakavian (Kajkavski) language, which is considered a form of genocide. Anyways, they have no problem to work with their Western "partners" to turn Marshal Tito into a monster, which is a total lie, he was loved by all Yugoslavs, very similar to how Libyans loved Gadddafi.

Eternal glory to him, the greatest son of our peoples and nationalities!


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Tito Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:46 pm


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:01 pm

ALOHA (root words: alo, oha, ha) the joyful sharing of the [breath of] life [energy] now

IKE the world is what you make of it

MAKIA energy flows where attention goes

KALA there are no limits

MANAWA now is the moment of power

MANA all power comes from within

PONO effectiveness is the measure of all truth

The body is the supreme temple of transformation,
the place where all the forces of the universe are gathered and
transformed into a higher, integrated order of nature and spirit.

Budō  (武道) 01410

The Zeitgeist

The occurance of understanding is characterized by its timeless character. Any action is basically timeless in itself, since each moment, seen alone, takes place as a facet and is immortalized by itself. The mind acts as a binder between time and action. The spirit and its creation is contemporaneous and concurrently eternal.

The circle closes when intention and thought unite in spirit. The power of touching the mind is due to the primordial emptiness of the abstract. The abstract itself fertilizes the core of personality to fulfill itself as the dance of life. It's an excellent idea to surmise as if you're in two places, unrolled like a long ribbon of light, attached to the abstraction of an ever-expanding cosmos.

But be careful, this idea is not for the brooding or even self-doubting nature. Each individual becoming aware is indelible, is woven into the story line in the mosaic of all being, infinitely brought to a single point, which shrinks in itself and as an impulse gives birth to new life all-dimensionally.

Inspiration is not just birth, but the act of expanding into other dimensions.

Diary Sunday July 20, 2003

Der Zeitgeist

Das Einstellen einer Erkenntnis ist geprägt durch dessen zeitlosen Charakter. Jedwedes Handeln ist im Grunde insich zeitlos, da jeder Moment allein für sich gesehen als Facette stattfindet und durch sich selbst verewigt wird. Der Geist fungiert als Bindemittel zwischen Zeit und Tat. Der Geist und dessen Schöpfung ist zeitgleich und gleichzeitig ewig.

Der Kreis schließt sich wenn Intention und Gedanke sich im Geiste vereinen. Die Kraft durch die Berührung mit dem Geist beruht auf der ursprünglichen Leerheit des Abstrakten. Das  Abstrakte selbst befruchtet den Kern der Persönlichkeit, um sich als Tanz des Lebens zu erfüllen. Es ist eine hervorragende Idee zu vermuten, als befände man sich wie an zwei Orten, ausgerollt wie ein langes Band aus Licht, befestigt an der Abstraktion eines sich immer weiter ausdehnenden Kosmos.

Aber Vorsicht, diese Vorstellung ist nichts für grüblerische oder gar selbstzweiflerische Naturen. Jedes einzelne sich Gewahr werden ist unauslöschlich, wird zum Handlungstrang verwoben in das Mosaik allen Seins, unendlich auf einen einzigen Punkt gebracht, das in sich zusammenschrumpft, und als Impuls alldimensional neues Leben gebiert.

Inspiration ist nicht nur Geburt, sondern der Akt des sich Ausdehnens auf andere Dimensionen.

Tagebuch, Sonntag, der 20. Juli 2003

Budō  (武道) 20060410

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:00 am


Planetes will join in Capricorn 28°, the exact exaltation for planet Mars
and Saturn rules Capricorn.

The two great malefic planets are OFF THE CHARTS powerful at this time,
they couldn't be any more powerful, to the exact degree.

Mars is War ad Saturn is Depletion and Setbacks, and they are ARCH-ENEMIES,
it's like driving a car with one foot on the gas and the other hitting the break.

Previous Events during such a constellation:

-1934 - Hitler becomes Führer
-1962 - Cuban missle Crisis
-1992 - Rodney King, riots, burning of L.A.

I mentioned before, Ukraine has it's natal moon ar 28° of Capricorn
Big big changes are coming for Ukraine.

Queen of England

Her chart is absolutely abysmal, Mars is 28° and Jupiter at 29° of Capricorn
in her second house (family affairs and deteriorating health).
Karma is a old evil bitch I would say, devastating!

President Putin

So much to say, but I won't bore anyone with more technical stuff,
suffice to say his Birthchart is OFF THE HOOK powerful.
Some is hard to interpret, he likes it hidden and secretive..
He will defeat all his enemies, Rahu will protect him and nobody
can stop him, he rules the world, needs to keep ego under control.

It would be nice to have Ukraine militarily under wraps by that time
and some sort of Capitualtion singed, because they really want WW3.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:17 am

We all have personal ideas and what we want, we wouldn't want some of it or something different, if we knew all the details in advance, this is why it is good to have a flexible mind that can be put into different gear when necessary, yes I didn't want Ukraine to flare up, because I knew in advance what the West had planned to do to Russia, what I didn't know was what they were cooking up inside Ukraine.
I appologize, I don't lie.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sun Mar 06, 2022 12:33 am

Riddle: Who Am I?

My son fathered his own granson, but not exactly as did my second cousin on my father's side, who was also my mother's uncle. I married two of my cousins who were the daughters of my mother's brother and my father's cousin's son. My father ...married my wife's aunt who was his uncle's grand-daughter. My mother married her great-grand father's brother's son. One of my grandfathers married a sister and my other grandfather is their brother's grandson., which makes my father his own cousin. My grandmother is my mother's great aunt, WHO AM I?!

Well, I know I am a hilllbilly, but.. lol, .. when I read that shit in the Old Testament.. and "comprehended it" I felt a bit ill. Budō  (武道) Pound10

Apparently even the people of the tribe told Serbian Constantin "DON'T DO IT, DON'T ADD THAT TO YOUR "CHRISTIAN" RELIGION, .. but he didn't listen, Justinian tried to fix what was still fixable.. the rest ist history. Should we take above text at face value, you ask me, fuck what do I know, right? Problem is most dumb motherfuckers take it as is, literal.. that my friend is the reality today..

so let's solve the riddle shall we...

'He who grasps his heel' (pulling your leg) LIAR Jacob who leaves home because his brother wants to kill him for stealing his birthright. Jacob dreams that God gives him the land of the Canaanites. Seriously. Jacob marries his two cousins and rips off his Uncle Laban. Uncle Laban wants to kill him for jewing him out, however, Jacob wrestles in the bushes with a man (a bumfucker incident?), the Bible records that Jacob beats God and extorts his blessing. Thus Jacob is renamed Is-Ra-El ~Ruler of God and Man~

Voilà! The family relations from Jacobs perspective Budō  (武道) Batboy10

Here are the details:

Terah had four kids: Abraham, Sarah, Nahor and Haran.
1. Abraham marries his sister Sarah and they have a son named Isaac. (Gen 20:12)
2. Nahor marries his niece Milcah and they have a daughter named Rebekah. (Gen 24:24)
3. Milcah's brother Lot impregnates his two daughters and has two sons. (Gen 19:30-38)
4. Isaac marries his cousin Rebekah and they have a son named Jacob (Israel).
5. Jacob marries his mother Rebekah's two nieces, his cousins, Leah and Rachel. (Gen29:14-30)
6. Israel's son Judah impregnates his son's wife Tamar and has two sons with her. (Gen.38)

Taken straight out the Torah, and this is the explanation given how/why the seed of Abraham became "Gods chosen"...

Abraham became rich by pimping out his sister-wife Sarah to the Pharao (Genesis 12, 13-20).

And since this worked so well for daddy, Isaac tells Rebecca to pull another sister-act (Genesis 26).

This pathetically stupid story and from these hillbilly sexual practices were the "Son's of God" issued and the entire royal inbred european bloodlines claim this "tradition" to be their divine right to rule over the earth and us, while claiming descendance to those ancient incestuous morons of Israel. Apparently, that's what they believe happened, mkay..

It is quite self explanatory as to why it used to be forbidden to read the Bible, they used to kill you if you did.

However, I am not saying that there isn't TRUE WISDOM in the Torah, actually I do believe it to be a book of life (amongst other great books), it's just the "surface story" that I find so terribly disturbing.. and since nobody, and I mean NEXT TO NOBODY.. really speaks and comprehends Hebrew, and 90% of all Rabbis are crazy illiterate fucks, just as 90% of all Christians Priest don't know what the fuck they are doing, when not raping an altar boy.. you can guess I have very little faith in the clergy.. and now you too, I hope. I am not even going to mention the last but not least crowd... I feel very pacifist tonight.

Budō  (武道) 15085810

At least I like trees, so I can't be totally bad, right?

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:06 pm

Budō  (武道) Media_11

My Polish friend said to me today: "I cannot understand what is going on in Germany, I don't recognise the German people anymore since this whole Covid agenda began. On March 17 they're going to sneak in mandatory vaccination legislation, but everyone is distracted now and the majority of people will go along with really anything and everything their government says. Even in Poland there is a bigger resistence and opposition than in Germany, yet they keep telling us how bad our [Polish] Government is, while they believe theirs is next to perfect. I wonder how long I can take this atmosphere any longer." She was part of the Solidarnosc movement before migrating to Germany, and she added: "I am shocked to see how authoritarian Germany has become.. we don't have to drive far to be in Poland or Denmark, there it's like living on a different planet."

I think many Germans really don't feel themselves anymore, the constant barrage of Propaganda, the idea that Germany is the "solution to everything and everybody" has worn them out, mentally and emotionally. I will never in my life forget when the Head of the German Bundesverfassungschutz [Office for the Protection of the Constitution] called everyone that protested the Covid mandates "Enemies of the State", after all what the Merkel and Scholz governments had done, after they had trashed the Grundgesetz [provisional Constition].

Article 1 and 20 are protected by Article 79, section 3, which gives these two eternal validation!
Article 2 - 19 define the inviolable rights of each individual mentioned in Article 1.

Budō  (武道) 115
Budō  (武道) 218
Budō  (武道) 313

I am talking about this because I find it extremely important to point out the madness and illegality of what is happening inside Germany right now. Russia has tried to point out to Germans [RT Germany] that their Government has unilaterally broken the Armistice Law of 1945. The outside world knows little about how unbearable life has become in Germany. All that talk was just that, cheap talk, now people are being discriminated against at every corner, the mood was always a bit dimmer here then elswhere in Europe and beyond, but now it's downright depressing; the famous German "Kadavergehorm" [zombie-like obedience] is ubiquitous. I lived 3 years in the UK, 3 years in Hawai'i, 1 year in South Africa, 6 month in France and 3 Month in Chile, so I think I got a good basis to compare life in Germany with life in other countries. It's easy to blame the situation on global geopolitical circumstances, but then all countries I mentioned should have developed in a similar fashion, yet it's specifically Germany that has lost all sense of "common values", that the German government likes to tout at every opportunity.

I really thought that Germany would make a difference, due to their history,
I thought they would be a shining example for the world today.

My Polish friend added that it's like living with a '4th Reich' mentality.. spooky! The atmosphere is already quite aggressive. I find social life here pretty much unbearable as well, every day it's the same monotonous indifference. Human rights is something that is only mentioned here in connection with other countries, usually those that resist the Western dictats, but never mentioned when it comes to Germany and it's citizens. This needed to be said, because while we are discussing the human rights violations and war crimes in the military arena "of the day", it's hardly ever mentioned how human rights are being violated inside NATO nations, and how it afffects European people. In any War there is always an external and the internal operation. We have a tendency to see how the internal part is played out when we watch them online, but it's difficult to realize it when it happens to oneself, because it is actually very subtle and happens over long periods of time, it's not just "fake news", that's the easy part to spot, it's the underlying political and social currents that are hard to detect, and how they affect one personally on a very real everyday basis. There's a word for what happened to Germany: learned helplessness.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by khnum Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:17 am

This is an interesting talk on modern exercise modalities and Russian systema the interviewee Luke Hobbs taught me Russian systema at the Russian club in Woolloongabba in Brisbane Australia ,I have also trained with Peter Aftanas who he mentions in the tape who would be about the deadliest little man out there I have a prior MMA and unarmed combat background but Systema,the real Systema is the best.

'A great civilization is not conquered from without until it had destroyed itself from within' W.Durant


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:12 pm

Hi Khnum, so glad to see you and thank you for sharing, I started watching today, but will watch the rest later. I really liked what I saw so far, yes.. my grandmother died at 94 years old. She was a small farmer in the mountains. Strong and healthy all her life. She had too much acid in her stomach sometimes. I will not get that old, and a lot has to do with life style. One time I made a big mistake when I still trusted the medical industry.. I will not go into too much detail, but I know it destroyed exatly 9 years of my lifetime.

This is why I am so opposed to modern "health care", they don't care at all, when I took their product and experienced "complications", that is "side effects".. they told me: "oh well, this happens in 1 of 100.000 thousand women". When I asked them if I can see a doctor or or go to hospital , they only said: "oh, there is nothing we can do for you, but on average it will stop after 6 month to 1 year".. "it" stopped after 9 month in may case, this is when I totally lost my trust in the medical and pharma industry, that was 1996. and like I said, they stole 9 years from me. So if I dont get shot or die from boredom, I calculated my lifespan up to 78 to 83 years.. that's still enough.. I only want to live as long as I can wipe my own arse anyways.

So.. I will watch it to the end, but I totally agree.. physical work, moving the body like the animal it is, is the BEST work out.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by khnum Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:33 pm

Pirata wrote:Hi Khnum, so glad to see you and thank you for sharing, I started watching today, but will watch the rest later. I really liked what I saw so far, yes.. my grandmother died at 94 years old. She was a small farmer in the mountains. Strong and healthy all her life. She had too much acid in her stomach sometimes. I will not get that old, and a lot has to do with life style. One time I made a big mistake when I still trusted the medical industry.. I will not go into too much detail, but I know it destroyed exatly 9 years of my lifetime.

This is why I am so opposed to modern "health care", they don't care at all, when I took their product and experienced "complications", that is "side effects".. they told me: "oh well, this happens in 1 of 100.000 thousand women". When I asked them if I can see a doctor or or go to hospital , they only said: "oh, there is nothing we can do for you, but on average it will stop after 6 month to 1 year".. "it" stopped after 9 month in may case, this is when I totally lost my trust in the medical and pharma industry, that was 1996. and like I said, they stole 9 years from me. So if I dont get shot or die from boredom, I calculated my lifespan up to 78 to 83 years.. that's still enough.. I only want to live as long as I can wipe my own arse anyways.

So.. I will watch it to the end, but I totally agree.. physical work, moving the body like the animal it is, is the BEST work out.

A few years ago I was very overweight with diabetes,hypertension,morbid obesity and was not a healthy chap then I met a chap called Bryan Morley who unfortunately is no longer with us but he had 60 years of naturopathic and alternative health experience he put me on an alkaline diet with no carbs or sugar with intermittent fasting and I was off the insulin in 3 months,Im pretty healthy now but I am overweight I was 150kg Im now 120 I should be ninety but that didn't stop me training Systema I also do yoga.

It is a bit pricey but I really recommend a book 'What really makes you ill? by Dawn Lester and David Parker,modern medicine is bullshit there are 4 things that make you sick,viruses are not one of them,much like there are firemen at every fire it does not mean firemen start them the whole Covid thing is crap.


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:44 pm

I am also overweight 7 Kg, it's the alcohol, I am 50, but still pretty and in good shape, not fucked up. I drink to make me a bit more pacifist, I would consider me an alcoholic, but when I went to Rehab my [Russian] doctor said my habit isn't serious, he said: "1 in 200", so I asked what the heck that's supposed to mean, and he said: "only 1 in 200 in Germany have blood so nice and clean like you, are you sure you are an alcoholic, or are you just making a free holidays here in the clinic?" LOL.. but yeah..

My mon is also diabetic, she injected 10 years, I got her off the insuline, now she and I are always motivating each other. Unfortunetaly my entire family [except the children and myself] got the poison shots. I cannot believe they didn't beliieve me when I told them these injections are going to reduce their lifespans. It's going to be very deflationary, when all the people who are retired or are going to retire die off like flies. Very sad, I cried my eyes out about it all of 2021.. so I don't have to when it happens, then I need to be strong. My sister in law has the "Myocarditis", her mother too, my brother has the Aids version, my father almost died getting the "Covid" variant "Delta" AFTER being double injected, good doctor saved his life with "anti-thrombosis" blood-thining medicine,  then everyone got the "Omicron", ridiculous! My mother is suddenly going blind.. terrible subject.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by khnum Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:36 am

Pirata wrote:I am also overweight 7 Kg, it's the alcohol, I am 50, but still pretty and in good shape, not fucked up. I drink to make me a bit more pacifist, I would consider me an alcoholic, but when I went to Rehab my [Russian] doctor said my habit isn't serious, he said: "1 in 200", so I asked what the heck that's supposed to mean, and he said: "only 1 in 200 in Germany have blood so nice and clean like you, are you sure you are an alcoholic, or are you just making a free holidays here in the clinic?" LOL.. but yeah..

My mon is also diabetic, she injected 10 years, I got her off the insuline, now she and I are always motivating each other. Unfortunetaly my entire family [except the children and myself] got the poison shots. I cannot believe they didn't beliieve me when I told them these injections are going to reduce their lifespans. It's going to be very deflationary, when all the people who are retired or are going to retire die off like flies. Very sad, I cried my eyes out about it all of 2021.. so I don't have to when it happens, then I need to be strong. My sister in law has the "Myocarditis", her mother too, my brother has the Aids version, my father almost died getting the "Covid" variant "Delta"  AFTER being double injected, good doctor saved his life with "anti-thrombosis" blood-thining medicine,  then everyone got the "Omicron", ridiculous! My mother is suddenly going blind.. terrible subject.

My parents and I are unvaxxed unfortunately my brother is vaxxed and boostered I hope he lives for a while yet but who knows,unfortunately he is a CNN mainstream media true believer- its not easy I am not allowed in pubs,clubs,restaurants,concerts,sports events etc etc but at least in a few years I should still be alive,this war in Ukraine is a very convenient distraction from all the covid evil that has occurred I am in shock how quickly the sheep forget and how easily the media changes the narrative,whilst there is individual brilliance collectively humans are about as smart as a box of hammers.


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:46 pm

I guess now comes the not so attractive part of my President Putin Sidereal chart analysis... but at least it's somewhat short term.

As we can all see, much of the West is forced into a Mass Formation Psychosis.

Concerning Russia, I think it is ill advised to clamp down on the people any more then has already been done, because they,
no general, no career politician will determine how this Ukraine Liberation incursion and Russias future will look like!

Now to the nitty gritty.. this time I will spare you all the boring technicalities and just use dates.

From now on and especially around the March 27 President Putin will "experience a really tough time, a time of endings,
the death of something" or ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS leading to his death. I would recomend to go for a deep dive.


That's the motto of the enemies tactics, President Putin should make it his own until End of August!
Is Zelensky even real or is he a "deep fake", is he in Poland or in Miami? Virtual Presidency, well....

One thing is for sure, Satan and his minions want President Putins death.

Another critical period will be around Juli, 13 until mid August.

Yes I know what I said in my long term prediction, all will be as I said.. I just save the worst for when the time is present.

I was against it from the beginning, partly for that reason, and because i thought it's a trap,
but with my history of being an A class a-hole and stuff... sigh!

One more thing..

I see the destiny mark from God in President Putins chart, but where others predict his demise [biased],

I see extraordinary victory in the long term, as I said..

It just ain't going to be a lot of fun, and it will not be an easy time.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:35 pm

Budō  (武道) Paolo_10

The Sheriff is in town to clean out of Ukraine:

Women & Child trafficing
Narcotics trafficing
Human Organ trafficing
Biolab weapons development
Terrorist recruitment
Center of Money laundering
Russian Gas stealing
Reconstruction fund stealing
Western stealing of Ukrainian businesses
Human [nano & pathogen] experimentation
Ethnic cleansing by Nazis of ca. 40.000 Russians

Sedition is the active support of those commiting treason.

Seditionists: Media Corp, Medical Industries, Banking, Clergy, Educational Institutions, Universities, NGO's, Corporations & Businesses
Treasonists: Politicians, Gov Officials, Secret Services, Police/Military leadership, Finanicers/Foundations,  CEO's, Individuals

There is two levels of treason, when people are murdered (like on September 9th 2001 for example) it's an act of High Treason.

Crime Cabal Headquaters: Switzerland
Primary Operations hub: Ukraine
Safehaven extention plan, foiled: Kazakhstan

Budō  (武道) Hll2210

The plagues, warfare and famines of Cain's descendants

The HIV AIDS genes are in the Spike Protein, they were spliced in there inititally at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
and was send to Wuhan, China and Anthony Mengele Fauci was financing it the whole way and got many Patents in this
technology and HIV AIDS industry, and so that's part what his motivation is for lying like a criminal psychopath.

Gates, Epstein are also involved by financing this revolutionary bio-electronic "vaccine" technology, as well as what US Military
DARPA had financed through Harvad and MIT. Charles Lieber was not arrested for some "vials", but for transfering the
Nano-Bio-Electronics components for these "vaccines" hydrogels that delivers the metals and electro-magnetic
components for the "Brain-Cloud" connection. He and his partner Robert Langer at MIT really advanced this technology.

The objective for the Special Virus Cancer Program in that Gallo and Fauci were heavily involved in, and it was around 1969
when Henry Kissinger in Congress virtually ordered the development of these Immun System destroying viruses, was for
"research and development for vaccines". Obviously, if you develop a "cancer vaccine" you need a cancer causing virus,
and that were the justification for this "Special Program" came from. Congress approved 10 Million starting in the 70's
for these biolabs/bio-weapons research program, that's where "AIDS" came from, not from some monkey in Africa.

Since then we got specific Leukemia, Lymphoma and Sarcoma Cancer Viruses that we never had before on Planet Earth
and that work with the gp120 receptor site that Dr. Fauci is personally invested in and owns the patents, and that is the
GAIN-OF-FUNCTION spike protein that is operating in the gp120 receptor site and the mRNA actually interacts with gp120
which causes the Reversetranscriptase (enzyme) that cause life to operate in reverse, which means  DNA producing
proteins, the mRNA giving the message to the DNA now causing these poisonous spike proteins to be mass produced.

So you have HIV laced spike protein antigens that are going all over the human body in those who are "vaccinated",
couple that with the weaponsgrade bio-electronic capablity and you have a biological cancer-triggering weapon,
a immune system supressive agent that is perfect for population reduction and that is most profitable as well.

The CDC of course knew this was coming, everyone in the deep state, the enemies of humanity work together on this.

REAL TIME DATA MINING, because what the transhumanist movement is all about, their objective behind the "vaccination"
and testing program, is to collect your DNA, and once somebody get injected they can manipulate the DNA, to control
your genome and tweak it, or delete some of it they don't like people to have. They use 5G to connect vaccinees to the super
computers, that's why the German Government bought a brand new one right on time for the "vaccination program". They
then can receive and transmit sound and light signaling, which is the main function of DNA, so it's frequency based technology.

Of course this technology can also be used on a select few without the HIV & Booster Pathogens Package gift from Dr. Fauci.
The future of medicine may well be in advanced frequency technology, but we should skip the psychotic mishandling to kill
and digitalize humans to enslave then, it would certainly undermine the paradigm of pharmaceuticals based medicine.
I will never accept my God given DNA blueprint to be "digitalized", also known as being marked by the BEAST system.

What is not being told is the massive amount of data storage capability of our DNA, coupled with the aspect of being able
to control what is going on in every single "vaccinated" human. Welcome to the MATRIX, this is what they're investing in:
surveillance, hivemind formation, data mining, protein crystal shattering etc, that's the bigger picture, SATANS KINGDOM!

Donald Dumps "Warp Speed" Zar Moncef Slaoui said that the tracking and tracing contracts for the people who are vaxxed
which are "transhumans" now, have been awarded to Oracle & Google. The corruption of the human race and spirituality
is essentiíal to the zombiefication of civilisation.


Study: Effect of 528 Hz Music on the Endocrine System and Autonomic Nervous System

Study: Influence of various intensities of 528 Hz sound (testosterone & behavioral changes)


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:01 pm

Exclamation Official data: Triple Vaccinated Brits are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Those democide killshots are destroying peoples CD8, CD4 and red blood cells.

As an unvaxxed person you don't "catch" Omicron, you get CONTAMINATED, since transmission of the poisonous spike proteins via breast feeding, sexual contact or long exposure to vaxxed peoples breath in indoor environments has been confirmed.

There seems to be a connection between Glyphosate and Covid-19 due to P450 supression:

Exclamation Cytochrome P450-mediated drug interactions in COVID-19 patient

Exclamation Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis
     by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases †

Exclamation Must listen Podcast with Glyphosate Herbicide and How to Detox It with Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT

Like a Star @ heaven Glyphosate causes chronic fatigue, autism, dementia, gut dysbiosis, cancer and more
Like a Star @ heaven Glyphosate causes vitamin c and mineral deficiencies, and oxalates
Like a Star @ heaven Glyphosates contributes to sulphur sensitivity
Like a Star @ heaven How glyphosate makes vaccines more toxic
Like a Star @ heaven How to detox glyphosate

Detox recommendations: SWITCH TO ORGANIC FOOD as much as possible,
Sauerkraut juice, Bentonite, Fulmic and Hummic acid, dandelions, barberry.

I also reasearched Macula health, key to restore dry and wet macula degeneration is not only Lutein and Zeoxanthin,
but Meso-Zeoxathin, which is found in YELLOW vegetables and flowers like Aztec marigold, other marigold,
Dandelions, monks cress, also Rainbow trout, Sardines (with skin), organic seafoods & well fed organic Chicken Eggs.

The Macula has a natural in-build blue-light filter, we're exposed to agressive levels of blue light through smartphones, Laptops & TV.
being insufficient in Meso-Zeoxathin is a real concern, because there aren't many yellow veggies in modern diets that contain it..

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:39 pm


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:58 pm

SO epic!!


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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:08 pm

Sidereal Astrological heads up.. for the world about to shift and change..

Mars and Saturn coming together on April 4 will increase tension and war, heavy events can be expected.

Upcoming Jupiter Neptune conjunction starting April 13 and onwards is about a new awakening, realisations,
when more and more people start to see the truth of what's going on in our world today.

August 1 when Uranus, Rahu and Mars will all conjoin around 24° of Aries and other constellations will be the
hardest moment this year, major possible outbreaks of attacks and war as well as earth quakes, things now are
really shaking and churning in the world, be warned, major destruction and endings of all sorts are highly likely!
Some country leaders will find their end, this could be physical or just political, governments could collapse, also
concerning the birth chart of the USA.. there will be a lot of stuff happening there.. an upheaval, gigantic problems,
especially when Mars goes retrograde in October, November and that upcoming Eclipse.. it's going to be heavy..

If the date for Taiwan January 1, 1912 shortly after midnight Taipeh time is the correct 'birth date' chart.. then
Taiwan is in deep trouble as Rahu, Saturn and the Moon sit in Aries in the 8th house, which would be devastating.
So for the USA big changes are certain, if the above date is correct this period will be very consequential for
Taiwan as well, and this warning includes war, so between August to Oktober will be the most intense time period.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:22 am

The future will be unbelievably nice for good people and bodes total destruction for the evil ones.

We are almost there, aren't we.. it almost feels like only a blink of an eye away.

M., Guardian of the European Christal.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:37 am

Pirata wrote:The future will be unbelievably nice for good people and bodes total destruction for the evil ones.

We are almost there, aren't we.. it almost feels like only a blink of an eye away.

M., Guardian of the European Christal.

Budō  (武道) Scree129

Shocked sometimes I even scare scare myself, and no I didn't anticipate this...

Last night I had a dream of an unclean man, whose unsolicited activities cost him his right hand...

Thank goodness I am so painless and can stay undisturbed no matter what, as if I am not of this world, only in it..

So yes, something prompted me to make this statement, take it for what it's worth [to you]..

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:15 pm


Loyola wasn't the founder and 1st General Superior of the Jesuits, the grandson of "Jacob of the Thora", Michel Nostredame was.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:42 am

SOLAR ECLIPSE APRIL 30 during New Moon 16° of Aries with Uranus at 20° (sudden unexpected changes)

Ecplise energies always last from one to the next ecplipse, so this one will permeate our lives until October..

Bharani nakshatra (the power to take things away and move on or power to cleanse and remove impurities)

Represents new beginnings through (painful) birthing process, we have grown out our environment or the ways we are and it's time to got into a new world/environment, like a birth or breakthrough. Similar eclipse happened in  2003. It takes Ketu and Rahu 18,5 years to go through all the Zodiac signs. Jupiter and Venus (arch enemies) will be conjunct of Pisces at 3° will be engaged in a planetary war, can also indicate major storms or floods.

The hostility and war between Mars and Saturn is still not over yet, Mars will still be in Aquarius, and Saturn will be moving into Aquarius on that day of the eclipse. The deeper message and yearning will be rather bringing people back together instead of seperating them from one another. Many people will realize what has been and what is needed to "give birth" of a new paradigm for our shared future, so those clinging to the seperation status will become quite unpopular within the next 6 months.

So by the next eclipse in Oct we will all be living in a very different world. Mars going retrograde, August that will be very difficult, it will cause a lot of awakening and truth come to light, because this eclipse will bring up all the things we didn't know about.

-events will unfold rapidly
-freedom of the mind

Uranus being tied up with this ecplise energy has the potential to cause a terrible natural desaster in the coming months, maybe some heavy earthquakes. Uranus also rules innovation, so maybe we will see some new inventions in the near future or the ability to look differently at things from a deeper understanding.

Conclusion: "the world gotta has to change".. resistence will be futile, so make use of this time and let the changes guide you.[/b]

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Thu May 05, 2022 1:53 pm

It took me 3 weeks to figure out Diabetes Type 2..

The first and formost important mineral for diabetic symptoms is Potassium.

It is also the N°1 most important nutrient for loosing weight and  burning fat!

Let's first touch on diabetic symptoms, we are talking about a situation were we have high blood glucose, and if you have high bloodsugar you also have Insulin resistence. Hormones are communication signaling substances and Insulin is a communication fluid that travels through the body and it follows the same principles of communication as between humans, so you need a balance of talking and listening, so basically if there is only a one way flow of talking we are fading out and stop listening. The same thing happens inside the body when there is too much communication as in too much Insulin, the body cells start to fade out, and that is what Insulin resistence is.

A person on a high carbohydrate diet stimulates an increased Insulin production, the cells start to "fade out" and won't work anymore, so what does the body initially do.. it tries to communicate harder to compensate by making more Insulin to penetrate through the cells and everything gets messed up from there on out. The first symptoms of high bloodsugar are incearsed thirst, urination, fatigue, blurred vision, accompanied by hunger cravings (weight gain) & mood changes.

They did experiments in the 1960's on certain medications that caused a Potassium deficiency and noticed that it created serious problems with Insulin and the human test subjects ended up with an Insulin deficiency or Insulin resistence while developing higher bloodsugar levels. This is how they found out that there is this huge relationship between Potassium and blood sugars. Insulin needs Potassium to help regulate and lower blood sugars, so if you have a Insulin deficiency or Insulin resistence you need more Potassium to deal with these blood sugar issues.

Glucose needs Potassium to enter the body cells, it you lack Potassium the Glucose will start to build up which leads to Diabetes, high blood pressure, higher levels of Cholesterols, higher levels of Triglycerides and a fatty liver, so now you can see how important a sufficient level of Potassium is to maintain your health. On top of that we have receptors for Potassium in every single body cell, because Potassium is also involved in creating the battery-effect of the cells and this is why out of all the minerals we need, the biggest amount is required for Potassium with 4,7g daily and it's therefore also the most important electrolyte. No other mineral is need in such quantity, let that sink in and then ask yourself why you've never heard anything about this astonishing fact, or did you know that you almost need 5 grams of Potassium every day?

Body cells have minerals outside and inside of them, but 99% of all the Potassium is found inside the cells, so the regular blood testing is useless unless it's an intra-cellular Potassium test. So when your doctor tells yout that your Potassium level is normal, he doesn't know what he is talking about, unless he actually did a Red Blood Cell Potassium Test, where he looked at what is happening inside your cells, not just what's floating around in your blood, so to speak.

Is it any wonder then that there is a worldwide "Diabetes epidemic"? No it's not.. and apparently the "eperts" prefer to blame the patients, not the depletion of agricultural soils, the food and pharma industries, or themselves, the socalled "health" (medical) industry. So Diabetis type II may be mostly caused by a combination of Potassium deficiency and being poor, and even with a healthy diet, you will still struggle to get those needed 4,7g of Potassium a day.

So what else causes the Potassium deficiency epedemic, well if we eat a lot of sugar and empty (refined) carbs, the more Potassium we lose, because the Potassium will be sacrificed in order to store all those carbs, so the more carbohydrates you eat, the less Potassium you will have. To make it worse, go eat cheap processed (fast) foods with those "taste enhacing" Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), which is not only a dangerous neurotoxin, it also increases your sodium levels, which subsequently decreases your Potassium levels again, and if you're already on a diuretic medicine like Thiazides to combat the the accompanying high blood pressure, congratulations.. you'll lose even more Potassium, because that's what these blood pressure medicines are known for, to cause Potassium defiency.. wow! Amazing, isn't it?

Next up is "stress".. which means a high levels of Cortisol, it also kills the Potassium in your cells.. then your doc tells you that you are a lazy fuck and in need of more "serious physical exercises".. but not that sweating is also a sure way for the body to lose Potassium.. just as diabetic related increased urination, chronic diarrhea or vomitting. So aunty does her 1h daily routine, starts to feel even worse and develops cardiac arrhythmia.. maybe aunty is genetically defect? Who knows right? So what does aunty do, she's had enough and is gonna find out herself.

Aunty found the only instant blood sugar reducing herbal remedy. It's called Gurmar, an Ayuvedic medicine, and that stuff is indeed a miracle plant! It reduced my 148 mg/dl to 93 mg/dl within half an hour.. I mention it because organ damage starts at 140 mg/dl..

Main tasks of Potassium in the human body:

• It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
• It helps maintain normal blood pressure, bone density and kidney health

The Potassium content of the organism is often reduced with age. The cause is usually the restricted water intake in older people. Although this increases the Potassium concentration in the cells, more Potassium is excreted through the kidneys in order to compensate for the difference in concentration between the cell interior and the environment.

Potassium rich foods for Diabetics per 100g

Dried Chanterelles 4.4 g
Dried Boletus 2,2 g
Avocado 485 mg
Sweet Potato 438 mg
Hazelnuts 680 mg
Walnuts 441 mg
Watermelon 228 mg (6g sugar)
Coconut water 250 mg
Coconut creme 350 mg
Tomato paste (peeled, gutted and cooked) 1,1 g

I generally don't recommend grains and legumes, because of their high lectine levels and only moderate amounts of Tomato paste/sauce. When cooking dried mushrooms don't throw the cooking water away, use it to make a sauce or just drink it cold like a tea, as Potassium tends to leak out into water.

As you can see it's difficult to get the recommended 4,7g a day through your diet, so you may want to consider to supplement Potassium, try to find a product that isn't loaded with sucrose f.ex, the citric acid should be enough, no need for all the extra added sugars.

Potassium and risk of Type 2 diabetes

Effects of potassium supplements on glucose metabolism in African Americans with prediabetes

How to fix high blood pressure:

Different studies on Hibiscus tea have reported significant blood pressure lowering effects in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Some studies suggest it may be almost as effective or just as effective as certain blood pressure medications.

Hibiscus tea has a slight diuretic effect, but it doesn’t reduce Potassium. It can also help lower Triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. The pigments in Hibiscus flowers are composed of a certain phytonutrient that acts as a natural ACE inhibitor. Many different blood pressure medications are ACE inhibitors.

I will be drinking Hibiscus tea for six weeks to see the full effect.

Other benefits of Hibiscus tea:

• Studies suggest it may help inhibit gastric cancer by up to 52%.
• One study showed that it may help you decrease fat on your liver (fatty liver syndrome).
• Phytonutrients in Hibiscus have antimicrobial properties that may be as effective as certain antibiotics and more effective than penicillin.

Hibiscus sabdariffa L. in the treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia

Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on arterial hypertension

Clinical effects produced by a standardized herbal medicinal product of Hibiscus sabdariffa on patients with hypertension

The efficacy of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on selected cardiovascular disease risk factors

Teas, dietary supplements and fruit juices: A comparative study regarding antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds

In vitro, antioxidant and scavenging activities of Hibiscus rosa sinensis crude extract

I'm sure the past two years of Covid Plandemic madness with forever lockdowns contributed to me getting sick with pre-Diabetes, but at the same time it also taught me how-to "do my homework" in regards to medical iresearch.. if you know somebody with similar health issues please share this information with them, we shouldn't let the Big Pharma poison pushers win..

Aunty wants to apologize to everyone exposed to her irratic grumpy diabetic mood swings in the past.. I'll try to become aunty happy again.

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Fri May 06, 2022 6:44 pm

4 Kg less aunty did Ramadan, but has to quit a week early as strong fatigue sets in, blood sugar has improved a bit.

How to fix high Cholesterol & diabetic irritability (manic depression)

Insulin resistance and diabetes lead to:

•Intracellular Myo-inositol deficiency in insulin-insensitive tissues (kidney, ovary, sciatic nerve, lens and retina)
•Abnormally low levels of D-Chiro-Inositol in urine, plasma and insulin-sensitive tissues (liver, muscle and fat)
•Excessive urinary excretion of myo-inositol.

Consequences of Myo-Inositol deficiency:

• Elevated fasting (126 mg/dL or higher) and postprandial (up to 4 hours after meal) glucose and insulin levels
• Dysfunctional Sodium–Potassium (Na-K-ATPase) activity
• Diabetic nephropathy (deterioration of kidney function)
• Diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy
• Worsening of Insulin resistance

Benefits of Myo-Insositol (formerly known as Vitamin B8)

• reduces "bad" Cholesterol
• Reduces risk of kidney stones
• similar to Metformin in effects
• restores FSH/LH ratio menstral cycle
• reduces diabetic cravings (binge eating)
• reduces stress and diabetic mood swings
• heals diabetic micro-vascular nerve damage

How states of Insulin resistance deplete Myo-Inositol

• Reduced synthesis (reduced biosynthesis via decreased enzyme function).
• Increased breakdown (upregulation in the enzyme that breaks down myo-inositol).
• Decreased penetration into cells (competition with glucose).
• Greater cellular release/reduced cellular uptake (sorbitol competition).
• Greater loss in the urine (glucose competes for myo-inositol reabsorption in the kidneys).

Myo-Inositol has been used safely for decades in many studies in those with Insulin resistance and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Two grams of Myo-Inositol taken twice daily reduced blood triglyceride levels by an average 34% and total cholesterol by 22%.

Myo-inositol for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome and gestational diabetes

Nnce upon a time.. my great-grandmother had a Mulberry tree on za grębъ Hillbilly mountain? Last year my mother mentioned it and spoke with fondness about her childhood memories of her grandmothers Mulberry tree, so I bought her a Mulberry tree as a birthday present, which made her happy. Now I read that Mulberry tree is known to be a natural remedy and one of the natural ingredients is My-Isonitol, and that "Metformin" is just a synthetic replica.. what's the active ingredient of Meformin?  A synthetic version of Myo-inositol.. wow!  How spooky! It's as if my ancestors talk from the grave: "Yo sick fools, eat Mullberries and drink Mulberry leaf tea".. the shrewdness of small farmer countryside people is no joke..

New methodologies for the extraction and fractionation of bioactive carbohydrates from mulberry (Morus alba) leaves


How to protect heart, blood vessels, nerve pathways & RNA/DNA

B9 and B12 mechanism

Folate (Vitamin B9) is a coenzyme that helps the body make RNA and DNA. RNA is a copy of DNA, and DNA is the blueprints in the cells to make the body. When you are deficient in folate, it can cause DNA damage and even damage the DNA repair process. This could potentially lead to many health problems. Folate deficiency can create the same damage as radiation.  

Folate deficiency and ionizing radiation cause DNA breaks in primary human lymphocytes

Folate is necessary for many reactions in the metabolism, vitamin B12 is primarily needed for two reactions

• the activation of foölate
• to break down homocysteine, a harmful metabolite

Folate is crucial for turning genes on and off and RNA/DNA repair. Many people are B9 Folate deficient simply because the MTHFR gene/-enzyme that converts Folate into active Methylfolate is commonly mutated in many peoples with different backgrounds, and while some mutations cause no problem at all, others create havoc with the absorbtion of Folate, in fact 35% of the population has some form of mutation in this gene.

Risks of Folate deficiency

• High levels of homocysteine (heart disease)
• elevated risk of developing cancer
• Inability to naturally detox
• Loss of Neurotransmitters
• Hearing loss
• Depression
• Migraines
• infertility

So if you are one to have a problem with this MTHFR gene already you don't want to supplement with the common synthetic Folic acid version, because it may get you a lot of additional problems. Folate is in many dark leafy green vegetables like cale, but most people don't like to eat innards, which would be the best natural source to get it from. To active Folate you need B12, and herre you want the Methylcobalamin (bioaktive co-enzym-form) version for adequate and best protection of your metabolism, nervous system and red blood cell formation.

SUPPLEMENT: B12 + FOLIC ACID MH3A® + FOLATE 1,000µg + 400µg

Quatrefolic® vs. Folic acid

Magnafolate® VS Food Folate VS Folic Acid

How to fix a damaged Pancreas

The primary function of a beta cells in the Pancreas is to produce and release Insulin and Amylin which is delivered to the cells that when the Pancreas is triggered by Glucose. At some point this reaction between cells and Pancreas breaks down if too much Carbs are consumed, too much sugars and too much Insulin creates a toxicity, which causes Insulin resistence. So what happens is now we don't get the feed-back loop (return communication) to the Pancreas. Over a period of time, maybe 5 years or so the Pancreas gets exhausted to the point were it gets overwhelmed and Insulin production level is going down and blood sugar goes up, causing pre-Diabetes and finally Diabetes if diet contines to consist of refined and high-glycemic carbs. Diabetic medicines basically try to mitigate the late effects (symptoms) of this derailed Insulin homeostasis.

• The original problem is too much insulin
• Carbs increase insulin
• Diabetic medications treat the later effects of high insulin

Dietitians follow the dietary guidelines by the USDA, which recommends that 45-65% of a person’s daily calories should be carbohydrates. That's 225-325g of carbohydrates, which is a massive amount for anyone with a dysfunctional Pancreas.

• Excess carbs = excess Insulin
• Excess Insulin = Insulin resistance
• Insulin resistance = Diabetes

What to do instead:

• Healthy Keto diet
• Intermittent fasting

Zinc plays an important role in Beta-cells (β-cells) function, Insulin action, Glucose homeostasis and the pathogenesis of Diabetes and its complications.

Zinc contributes to:

• The protection of cells against oxidative stress
• Normal cognitive function
• Normal immune system function
• Normal acid-base balance
• Normal carbohydrate metabolism
• Normal lipid metabolism
• Normal DNA synthesis
• Normal fertility and reproduction
• Normal macronutrient metabolism
• Normal vitamin A metabolism
• Normal protein synthesis
• Maintenance of bones, nails, skin and hair
• Maintenance of normal vision
• Maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood

and Zinc has an important function in cell division.

Zinc is bound to certain proteins in the blood serum. Histidine and Cysteine are able to release Zinc from these protein bonds and thus makes it available for the cells. At the same time, the amino acids protect against an overdose and accumulation of Zinc in the body by directing excess Zinc to excretion. In the harmonious complex with the amino acids Histidine and activated Cysteine in the form of bioactive L-acetyl-cysteine, Zinc can safely develop its full effect. Vitamin C supports this active complex by promoting mineral absorption and complementing the effect of Zinc synergistically in many areas. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is a closely related compound used in supplementation as an equivalent to L-Cysteine, but with the same mode of action.

Zinc Bisglycinate is an organic zinc compound that has a particularly high bioavailability. Bisglycinate is a so-called chelate form. In this form, the trace element is combined with the amino acid Glycine and is particularly well absorbed by the small intestine.

Zinc and diabetes mellitus: understanding molecular mechanisms and clinical implications


P.S. I'm not an affiliate of Sunday naturals, nor do I get paid to promote products, I just like some of their clever products to fix my self-caused health issues. They also got Milkthistle which helps to clean and repair the liver.


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Join date : 2018-05-18
Location : Yugoslavia

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Budō  (武道) Empty Re: Budō (武道)

Post by Pirata Tue May 10, 2022 12:17 am

Cancer is caused by damage to the Mitochondria!

It's not an invasion or infection, it's a situation were your cells are damaged and your body through a survival mechanism converts over to cancer cells. this new cancer cell is very prehistoric, very crude and it loses it's mortality, it can now actually live on forever, and so the metabolism of cancers is completely different then from the metabolism of a normal body cells, it's rate of consuming sugars is much higher then that of a normal cells.

And the other interesting thing about cancer is that it spreads to areas of inflamation, so it can become malignant and spread to areas where you had inflamation trauma. It's really important to understand that anything that can create damage to your Mitochondria, can also create cancer. And it is also other things that are emphasized at the wrong level of importance. It is realy valuable to know what is really important versus what is not as important in trying to prevent cancer or heal cancer.

Smoking is known to cause pancreatic cancer.. more so then lung cancer for example, and of course the chronic consumption of alcohol can cause cancer, obesity is another risk factor, but not the weight itself, rather the diet (too frequent eating, 4 to 6 times a day with (high glycemic) empty carbs... I could go on, but let's stop here..

One of the most important things you can do to help your body heal is fasting.

I just did 3 weeks of fasting.. and now I switch over to intermittent asting (2 meals a day at 13.00 and 20.00).. fasting can send cancer into remission, even at stage 4. Doctores are still "baffeled" about that.. the most important thing to do is to eliminate seed oils from your diet. You are better off with Avocado or Olive oil, which are actually pretty safe, and transfats, well.. they are a sure way into enter the cofin early. The more refined and chemically processed something is, the more cancer-risky it is, like vegetable oils, using all sorts of pressure and high heats to refine them.. the body won't be able to process that stuff.

Red meat and processed meat is usually being lumped together.. saying that both of these increase your risk of getting cancer, but that is again simply not true! We have to differentiate, because we also have a lot of white processed meat, and we also have to look at how many of those studies were  based on questionaires.. probably all of them. We should always focus on the quality of (red) meat.. did they do any studies on grass feed beef? No? Is there a difference between low quality beef patties from McDonalds with French fries and organic beef? You bet!

There is no problem with read or white meat, the problem is "processed meat", were lots of chemicals are used to make very low qualtiy meat taste good enough to be sold, and a lot of substances are added, so it is obvious that this is what causes the problems.. such as adding a protein with sugar, or a fat with sugar and high heats.. "ACRYLAMIDE".. just avoid all refined & processed foods!

I tried almost every type of diet, even Veganism in 2018, it was the worst experience in my life. Totally unsustainable, anyways I am the kind of person that has to repeat other people's mistakes to be sure it's a mistake.. lol! But thinking back about those 6 month of my life.. it probably was very detrimental to my health.. because I ate a lot of empty carbs during that time too, at an age were one can't afford such adventures any more.

You see this all the time were they promote fiber and say that if you increase your fiber you'll decrease your risk of cancer, now they're lumping in all the different types of fibers with vegetable fiber. What about all these new synthetic fibers they are coming out with which they call "functional fibers" like resistent maltodextrin, tapioka fiber, corn fiber.. these are all brand new fibers that have not stood the test of time, we don't really know about them and their effects. Adding highly refined fibers to your processed foods could have some negative effects on your health, such as liver cancer, according to a new study.. "gut fermantation", you know.. it´s a real thing.. so.. stick to old school foods, you will be better off... every veggie has fiber.. eat those low glycemic ones that you know are safe.. all those new expensive "keto-friendly" bars and snacks have those highly refined new fibers.. and there are literally no safety studies on them.. so even if they have no effect on your blood sugar, what kind of effect do they may have on your gut micro-biom? Cancer much?

You want to consume fiber from actual food, not some synthetic fiber that is added to your food! You then also want to pass on all those synthetic anti-oxidants they try to sell you, because they actually too, cause cancer.. let's take for exmaple Beta Carotene, they put that stuff now in infant formula.. as Vitamin A.. it's being uses to color farm raised Salmon, it's also been used in non-organic Eggs, but if you have done the deep dive into how they make that synthetic Beta Carotene.. wow! They use all sorts of chemicals, it's made from Acetone.. using different solvents like Hexane, so there is a really big difference between a synthetic something and a natural anti-oxidant, it's not the same thing as they want you to believe.. and the problem is.. there are links to increased risks of cancer..

Only those anti-oxidants that come from nature are good!

So to simplify this, you want to eat real foods and avoid all synthetic versions, now let's talk about the most powerful anti-oxidant: MELATONIN. Melatonin definetely decreases your risk of cancer. It's a sleep hormone, but it also has another function in all of your cells, by acting as an anti-oxidant.. and the way to increase your Melatonin is to be exposed to infrared light.. so when you are out in the sun, you get a tremendious amount of natural infrared light that actually penetrates your clothes.. and all this infrared light recharges and increases your Melatonin, which is a very powerful anti-oxidant.

Vitamin D, which you also get by exposing yourself to UVB sunlight, also decreases your risk of cancer, but on top of that UV light stimulates your cells that make melanin, and melanin acts like an umbrella, it's like a natural sunscreen, protecting you from the harmful radiation of the sun. So understanding that it is obvious that you don't grill yourself until you are completely burned.. but you can just expose yourself to a certain amount of light to get a tan, that will then protect you from getting burned, makes sense?

Is prevention of cancer by sun exposure more than just the effect of vitamin D? A systematic review of epidemiological studies

Sun exposure, vitamin D and cancer risk reduction

Sun exposure and non-melanocytic skin cancer

Sunlight and cancer

Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and fruit juice and human cancer

Colorectal cancer: controversial role of meat consumption

Dietary Lipids and Cancer

Impact of consumption of repeatedly heated cooking oils on the incidence of various cancers

Insulin resistance and cancer risk: an overview of the pathogenetic mechanisms

These may be the physical expressions, but from personal experience, having had cancer.. having it cut out and refusing anything beyond, I can say.. that all dis-ease.. but cancer in particular, is a symptom of emotional trauma, we are more then bones and tissue, we are etheric beings.. we are spiritual beings.

"Chemo Therapy" was developed in Auschwitz.. this is a fact. You take better care of your Mitochondria by supplementing with Coenzyme Q10 and a healthy organic diet with intermittent fasting, then pumping yourself up with an indiscriminately active chemical cocktail, which causes more cell death then the actual cancer. My grandmother had "stomach cancer" for decades, she reached the age of 94, by not getting "treated".. imagine that! She said... only God knows where I belong to.. have faith! I still have cancer.. and I am absolutely cool with it, because my body has encapsuled (entombed) two small lumbs (calcified).. the earthly body is so smart. People have been scared to death with this word "cancer", and.. if we don't die of cancer, we surely die from something else, don't we? So in closing.. to reduce risk of cancer or spread of cancer, we want to take care of our Mitochondria and reduce all sources of inflamation, and then we just live out life.. because in the end, not the quantity of life, but the quality of life is what matters. We may also pray and do an introspection of ourselves, to again.. feel the soul we are..

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