Vote for Judge Lonnie Cox in the Upcoming Elections
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Vote for Judge Lonnie Cox in the Upcoming Elections
Judge Lonnie Cox is known for his commitment and efficiency to run the legal proceedings without any hassle. His fair and committed attitude towards the Galveston County community makes him the favorite people’s Judge. He has held many accomplished positions in the past before joining the legal career and rising to the position of becoming the Judge Lonnie Cox Galveston. The awards and accolades bestowed upon him by the several organizations have made him stay near to the Galveston community and work towards making the City safer for the community members.
Judge Lonnie Cox work speaks volumes about him as the Law Enforcement Associations and the Local Police Chiefs respects his strenuous attitude towards tackling the crime. His fair legal proceedings have gained him a special place among Galveston people too. But, as the elections for the Judge are near so making Galveston Lonnie Cox the Judge again needs huge support from the community members.
The elections will be held on November 3, 2020 and it’s a huge shout-out to Galveston people to come and cast your vote to elect the dedicated public servant like Galveston Lonnie Cox again. There are many significant dates that you need to remember in anticipation of the ‘Election Day’. So, if you are eligible to vote and not requested for your ballot then the time has come for you to drop an Email and ‘Please Apply Now’. Moreover, the last date for you to register to cast your votes will be October 5, 2020. The first day when you can vote making a personal appearance is October 19, 2020. The community members of Galveston can vote for Judge Cox at the Galveston Early Voting Center and the voting will continue until the last day of Early Voting till October 30, 2020.
The reason to come and cast your vote for Judge Cox Galveston is that because the Galveston County requires some hardworking and dedicated public servants who can make the city a safe and happy place for the public. The fairness, commitment, and dedication shown by Judge Cox for the Galveston community are excellent so it’s now community time to decide to elect him for the betterment of the whole society.
The community members are called to cast their votes on the suggested dates to make the Galveston County a safe and happy place for the people and to elect the right people to the jurisdiction bench.
Last edited by LonnieCox on Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : For Adding some pic relevent to the post)
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