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End time prophecies

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End time prophecies Empty End time prophecies

Post by E-V13 Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:43 pm

If you guys have any interesting prophecies about the future of the world, feel free to post them. Smile

These are Shia prophecies in regards to the Saudis. First one is from Mohammed the prophet of Islam and second one is from Imam Sadiq the 6th Shia Imam who lived in 8th century.

1. From the Messenger of Allah (pbuhaf): Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) will be ruled by a man whose name is the name of an animal(Fahad/leopard), when you see him from a distance, you would think he has a lazy eye, and if you get close to him, you do not see anything (wrong) in his eyes. He will be succeeded by a brother of his, named Abdullah. Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! – he repeated it three times – Give me the good news of his death, and I shall give you the good news of the appearance of the hujjah (Imam Mahdi). Reference: Two Hundred and Fifty Signs, sign number 122

If we look at King Fahd the Saudi king, he looked like he had a lazy eye from a distance.

End time prophecies King-f10

His name Fahd means Leopard in Arabic.

After his death his brother Abdullah took power.

2. From Abi Baseer who heard from Imam Sadiq (pbuhaf): Whoever guarantees for me the death of Abdullah, I will guarantee for him the Qa’im (Imam Mahdi). When Abdullah dies, then people will not gather/agree on anyone after him, and this matter will not except for your companion (Imam Mahdi) inshallah, and the kingdom of years will be over, and it will become the kingdom of months and days. So I asked: Will that be prolonged? He said: No. (Biharul Anwar, Volume 52, page 21)

Now after Abdullah died his brother Salman took power, but Salman has appointed his son Mohammed bin Salman as Crown Prince and the man to succeed him, but there are numerous reports that he will have opposition within Saudi royal family and that they would not agree on anyone after Salman dies.

King Boris III to von Ribentrop: "My nation fights only on the Balkans, where there are our ethnic lands, not on any other front or in Africa. If I send troops to the Eastern Front, they will all desert to the Russians together with the military brass musicians!" (during their meeting in the summer of 1942 in Berlin, when the King was asked to send Bulgarian troops to the Eastern Front or help Rommel in Africa.)

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by Talos Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:35 am

The Muslim prophecy of a Persian Muslim Army defeating the Jews and Israel and the final Jews hiding behind rocks or trees and the tree tells them the Jews are hiding here come kill them. Is that in the Qur'an or hadith?

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by blue wizard from the east Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:19 am

Talos wrote:The Muslim prophecy of a Persian Muslim Army defeating the Jews and Israel and the final Jews hiding behind rocks or trees and the tree tells them the Jews are hiding here come kill them. Is that in the Qur'an or hadith?

There seem to be some contradictions:

-about the Anti-Christ (Masih al Dajjal):

Muhammad is reported to have said:
The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu'adh ibn Jabal).

But this conquest of Constantinople has taken place in 1453 already.

-about the Sufyani:

A man will emerge from the depths of Damascus. He will be called Sufyani. Most of those who follow him will be from the tribe of Kalb. He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill the children. A man from my family will appear in the Haram, the news of his advent will reach the Sufyani and he will send to him one of his armies. He (referring to the Mahdi) will defeat them. They will then travel with whoever remains until they come to a desert and they will be swallowed. None will be saved except the one who had informed the others about them. (Mustadrak Al-Hakim)

This will happen, when Constantinople is in the hands of non-Muslims.

The false messiah—anti-Christ, Masih ad-Dajjal—shall appear with great powers as a one-eyed man with his right eye blind and deformed like a grape. Although believers will not be deceived, he will claim to be God, to hold the keys to heaven and hell, and will lead many astray. In reality, his heaven is hell, and his hell is heaven. The Dajjal will be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls. (Book 41, Hadith 7034)

If I understand this correctly, the Masih ad-Dajjal and the Sufyani will arrive in Damascus first (when Constantinople is still in Muslim hands). Then a new army under the Mahdi will arrive also in Damascus and will fight with them. During the fight Isa will appear close to Damascus and will slay the Masih ad-Dajjal. In the meantime Gog and Magog will come from the North and Constantinople will be no longer in Muslim hands. Gog and Magog will come down to Damascus and Lake Tiberias, but they will die there. In the meantime Macca will be destroyed by a wild biest from Ethiopia.

blue wizard from the east

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by blue wizard from the east Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:35 am

I am more interested in the Kalachakra Tantra, that is taught by the Dalai Lama. The crazy Lamas are preparing for a war at the end of times against Muslims and Christians.

blue wizard from the east

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by E-V13 Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:52 pm

Talos wrote:The Muslim prophecy of a Persian Muslim Army defeating the Jews and Israel and the final Jews hiding behind rocks or trees and the tree tells them the Jews are hiding here come kill them. Is that in the Qur'an or hadith?

Jews hiding behind rocks and trees is a Sunni hadith. I don't know about the Persian Muslim Army.

King Boris III to von Ribentrop: "My nation fights only on the Balkans, where there are our ethnic lands, not on any other front or in Africa. If I send troops to the Eastern Front, they will all desert to the Russians together with the military brass musicians!" (during their meeting in the summer of 1942 in Berlin, when the King was asked to send Bulgarian troops to the Eastern Front or help Rommel in Africa.)

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by E-V13 Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:56 pm

blue wizard from the east wrote:I am more interested in the Kalachakra Tantra, that is taught by the Dalai Lama. The crazy Lamas are preparing for a war at the end of times against Muslims and Christians.

Can you post it? How can this happen when they don't have an army and are under Chinese rule?

King Boris III to von Ribentrop: "My nation fights only on the Balkans, where there are our ethnic lands, not on any other front or in Africa. If I send troops to the Eastern Front, they will all desert to the Russians together with the military brass musicians!" (during their meeting in the summer of 1942 in Berlin, when the King was asked to send Bulgarian troops to the Eastern Front or help Rommel in Africa.)

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by E-V13 Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:06 pm

About Dajjal al-Masih (The false Messiah/The Anti-Christ), there is a Shia scholar in Iraq, Ahmed al-Hasan, who has explained that the Great Anti-Christ is America.

Question: Who is the greater Dajjal?

Answer: It was clarified in ‘The Allegories’ that there are many meanings to the allegories of their (pbut) speech, and for each meaning there are many verifications that are applied to it in reality in accordance to the place and time.

And from these allegories which were reported from the Messenger (pbuhf), and his household AhlulBayt (pbut) is the Dajjal, and they emphasised and exaggerated in their emphasis regarding the obligation of revolting against him, and fighting him, even though he owns massive material abilities, or according to what was reported from them (pbut), “A mountain of fire and a mountain of food.” And I do not believe that it is hidden from the believers [who] follow the narrations which were reported from the Messenger (pbuhaf) and his household AhlulBayt (pbut) what the verification of their (pbut) speech is in these [present] days. However, I wanted to remind the one who might have been neglectful from the right or the left, or deviated from the truth which is undeniable and it is as the sun in the sky, {So remind; you are only a reminder. You are not over them a controller. However, he who turns away and disbelieves – Then God will punish him with the greatest punishment. Indeed, to Us is their return. Then indeed, upon Us is their account.} Quran, Chapter "The Overwhelming", 88:21-26.

So is it hidden to the believers that America is the greater verification of the Dajjal. The messenger of God Muhammad (pbuhaf) and the AhlulBayt (pbut) have said what means, “The Dajjal shall come from the Mountain of Sanam and shall enchant the people, with him shall be a mountain of fire and a mountain of food.” And it was narrated from them (pbut) what means, “He shall come and call: come to me my supporters… I am your greater Lord.”

And it is not hidden from anyone that America entered into Iraq from Kuwait through the direction of Mt. Sanam that is present in Safwan. And it is not hidden that the mountain of fire is the massive American war machinery, and it is not hidden that the mountain of food is the giant American economy and the American dollar. And it is not hidden that America is calling today: come to me my supporters, and opposes the supremacy of God Almighty, and legislates and passes the law, and wants to impose it upon the inhabitants of the Earth.

For it claims that it is your great Lord and it does not see except with one eye which is the eye of the devilish interests of America. And these dajjals claim that they represent Jesus Christ (pbuh), despite all that which they are in of corruption and perversion. So America is the Anti-Christ, it conquered the earth in order to fill it with corruption, and America is the one-eyed Dajjal, {Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought} Quran, Chapter "The Romans", 30:41.

So is there any excuse remaining for whoever compliments and flatters America, and is there any excuse remaining for whoever does not oppose or fight America. There shall not be any person who is a friend of Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), and entering in the authority of God Almighty unless he disbelieves in the tyrant, and today it is the greater Dajjal and the greater Shaytan America, {The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut (i.e. false gods, idols, devils and seducers) and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And God is Hearing and Knowing.} Quran, Chapter "The Cow", 2:256.

May the curse of God be upon Shaytan and his army… And may the curse of God be upon the Dajjal and his army… And may the curse of God be upon the greater Shaytan and his army… And may the curse of God be upon the greater Dajjal and his army… And may the curse of God be upon the Sufyani… And may the curse of God be upon the Sufyani… And may the curse of God be upon the Sufyani and his army… And may the curse of God be upon whoever does not fight the greater Dajjal.

May the curse of God, and the curse of Muhammad (pbuhaf), and the curse of Ali (pbuh), and the curse of Fatimah (pbuh), and the curse of the Imams and the Prophets and the Messengers, and the curse of the righteous angels be upon whoever does not fight the greater Dajjal.
O God! Have I informed?
My master, and my leader Imam Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan Al-Mahdi pbuh, have I informed?
O God! Then bear witness upon this nation.
Ahmed Alhasan احمد الحسن

SIDE NOTE: - Ahmed Alhasan احمد الحسن has also said, “We have no enmity with the Americans or with the land of America or with the scientific institutions or the social institutions, etc. But we criticise the behavior of the U.S. government and its tyranny and unjust position in the world and we believe that it is always a deviant and extremist position, unfortunately.”

King Boris III to von Ribentrop: "My nation fights only on the Balkans, where there are our ethnic lands, not on any other front or in Africa. If I send troops to the Eastern Front, they will all desert to the Russians together with the military brass musicians!" (during their meeting in the summer of 1942 in Berlin, when the King was asked to send Bulgarian troops to the Eastern Front or help Rommel in Africa.)

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End time prophecies Empty Re: End time prophecies

Post by blue wizard from the east Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:37 pm

E-V13 wrote:
blue wizard from the east wrote:I am more interested in the Kalachakra Tantra, that is taught by the Dalai Lama. The crazy Lamas are preparing for a war at the end of times against Muslims and Christians.

Can you post it? How can this happen when they don't have an army and are under Chinese rule?

This is a good page to start with: http://studybuddhism.com/en/advanced-studies/vajrayana#kalachakra-advanced
Berzin is explaining everything in detail.

Who are "they"? The Kalachakra Tantra is a text. It is about 1000 years old and comes very likely from Northern Pakistan, before the Muslims took over. It was brought by monks to Tibet. The Han-government in 西安 and later in 北京 preferred a Tibet with many independent monasteries. The earlier Tibetan kings were worshipping demons, had an alliance with Baghdad and were able to threaten the Silk road and the capital 西安. The monks and the lamas had no military an no central government, so the Han first chose the head of the Shakya-pa and later the head of the Gelug-pa as the person, they could talk to. Without the Han no Dalai Lama. Buddhists normally don't have an army anyhow. So the Dalai Lama says, like all the other Tantras (about sexual orgies), the Kalachakra Tantra should not be taken literally. But I think, in its region of origin, it was meant literally. Now-a-days the Dalai Lama is sitting in India and earning money by teaching his funny texts to Westerners, who are willing to pay.

blue wizard from the east

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