Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
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Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
(Norwegian Spy Jailed by Russia Is Free. He’s Angry, Too, but Not at Moscow.
Frode Berg, a trusting pensioner, willingly worked for Norwegian intelligence. Then, he says, they hung him out to dry.)
Dschihadisten aus Tschetschenien und andere - weitere Links im Text:
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The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
How Evangelical Christians risk setting the Middle East on fire
Antisemitism has been used to smear the left, while the right targets Jews
(Jonathan Cook is a Nazareth- based journalist and winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism)
(shitloads of info)
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Ukraine und Transkarpatien:*=ovL0vpjMMxJuwX2p4kgUzEMI0Xp7InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2stcHVibGljOi8vWW1qemVVRWdMWHVNaVlLcCtIeDZGY0tObHdQQWVsbjFuZksrWHdTbUlLRT0iLCJ0aXRsZSI6IlVrcmFpbmUgdW5kIFRyYW5za2FycGF0aWVuLnppcCIsIm5vaWZyYW1lIjpmYWxzZSwidWlkIjoiMCIsInRzIjoxNTYzMjI1MTQzODk2LCJ5dSI6IjEzNzUwNTg0NjE0NDM2MjIwNDkifQ%3D%3D
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The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Laufzeit: 2008 bis 2010
(Ob sich bis jetzt was verbessert hat?
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
12. September 2004 Jürgen Elsässer
FBI, CIA, BND und die tschetschenischen Kindermörder
800 Millionen Mark für einen Bürgerkrieg
14. August 2003 Jürgen Elsässer
Titos Geheimdienstchef Antun Duhacek erzählt, wie der BND Jugoslawien zerstört hat
Wie die Saat, so die Ernte
29. August 2001 Haiko Lietz
Essential Harvest soll die Waffen einsammeln, die von NATO-Mitgliedstaaten selber geliefert worden sind
(Balkan, KFOR, Ukraine, Mazedonien ... Trans-Balkan-Öl-Pipeline ... viele Hintergrundinfos)
Speziell zu DE:
23. Januar 2001 Ernst Corinth
Umweltminister Trittin: ein Göttinger Mescalero und seine späten Folgen
+ Mescalero-Brief
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
SPIEGEL: Herr Ministerpräsident, kann Slowenien auch ohne Serbien leben?
SINIGOJ: Wenn es sein muß, gewiß."
Last edited by Böhse Tante on Mon Jan 27, 2020 9:10 pm; edited 4 times in total
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Guatemala 1954
On this day in 1981, the US-trained Atlacatl Battalion systematically massacred the entire village of El Mozote, El Salvador, killing nearly 1,000 ppl (533 children & 200 women). Soldiers tortured, raped, beheaded & burned down a building packed full of trapped children.
— American Values (@Americas_Crimes) 12. Dezember 2019
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
(Wetter + Raytheon) ... die meinen das ernst!
In den Fängen der Evangelikalen (Das Dreckspack, das die US-Politik bestimmt)
04. Oktober 2010 Peter Mühlbauer
Interview mit Jürgen Wolther
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Mit eingescannten Dokumenten.
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Britain waged terrorism against Serbia, aiding terrorists in the Kosovo Liberation Army, a band of head choppers and organ traffickers whose leader, one Hashim Thaçi, admitted that they had carried out terrorist operations against Serbia's police force.
— Nicholas Molodyko (@molodyko) 1. August 2019
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The brazen abuse of authority by government in imposing the British-era Section 144 for prolonged periods, especially in Jammu & Kashmir, nshould end, argues Shastri Ramachandran:
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) 18. Januar 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Israel’s ex IDF Chief :We have supplied ISIS , Al Qaeda , FSA with weapons and funding for years
— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) 10. Januar 2020
...."The destruction of an area of more than 2000 km", and the maximum speed of the missile reaches 22 Mach, equivalent to 30,000 km / hour.
— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) 7. Januar 2020
Graham Phillips is the best
— R&U Videos (@r_u_vid) 11. Januar 2020
Zu Russlands Regierungsänderung
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Old but still relevant:
— Mats Nilsson (@mazzenilsson) 18. Januar 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Some American Nazi terrorists from a fascist gang that wants to start a race war and establish a white ethno-state in the US were arrested after plotting to kill antifascists, stating, "Any engagement in anti-fascist activity will carry the death penalty"
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) 18. Januar 2020
Spoiler alert: Soros and the CIA are fabricating a modern day völkisch movement and blaming it on Trump. @ColborneMichael
— Nicholas Molodyko (@molodyko) 18. Januar 2020
Monday is the February 20. Monday is also the day of the Soros and CIA sponsored “gun rally” in Virginia. Oy vey.
— Nicholas Molodyko (@molodyko) 18. Januar 2020
In the years before the outbreak of World War II, people of German ancestry living abroad were encouraged to form citizens groups to both extol “German virtues,” around the world, and to lobby for causes helpful to Nazi Party goals.
— Nicholas Molodyko (@molodyko) 18. Januar 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
"Die Welt" 1897
Zionistische Weltsicht jener Zeit (Davidstern mit östlichem Mittelmeer/Palästina im Fokus.)
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
— XYZresistance (@XZresistance) 21. Januar 2020
The Persian #Famine --more accurately--‘#genocide’ caused by the Brits that killed 8-10 million Iranians in 1917-19.
A torn chapter in history!
<-> Comparison with present similarities.
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Buried deep for 50 years: Britain’s shameful role in the Biafran war. A million children starved to death. The images seen there and by the complicity of the #British government have never been dealt with.
— Mats Nilsson (@mazzenilsson) 22. Januar 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The 6 has a spiritual, magical connotation. It won't get changed.
— Travel True (Jason) (@J_H_5) January 23, 2020
"The missing 6" from Times of Israel
Non-Jewish researchers shouldn't be called "Holocaust Deniers" for asking the same q's that Jewish scholars ask about the incorrect statistical accounting of victims. Nobody labels Jewish scholars as "Holocaust Deniers" when THEY admit the victim totals were inflated by millions.
— Jake Morphonios (@morphonios) January 22, 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Poland's troubled Nazi friendly past.
— Mats :peace: Nilsson (@mazzenilsson) January 26, 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
This Tweet from @morphonios has been withheld in Germany based on local law(s). https://Learn more.
The 6 has a spiritual, magical connotation. It won't get changed.
— Lock Down Travel (Jason) (@J_H_5) January 23, 2020
"The missing 6" from Times of Israel
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
(ziemlich "softe" Berichterstattung)
What was The fate of United Airlines #Flight93 the last of the four hijacked planes on September the 11th 2001 ? to go
— Bì乙エ (@Just1BiZI) August 7, 2019
I knew immediately that no one could possibly have survived. .... The wide displacement of the plane's debris?
...Find me the wreckage!
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Nazism in Ukraine: Icing on the cake of Western hypocrisy
— Pravda Report (@engpravda) January 27, 2020
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The Grand Finale Pt. I: Here Is What Is About To Happen To You...An Economic Love Story, or Fifty Shades of Green?
The Grand Finale: We Are Now Witness To The Death Throes of Fiat! Renewed Relevance Because It's On Like Donkey Kong!!!
The Grand Finale Pt. II: Behind The Green Door...
The Grand Finale Pt. III: Janet Does Davos (latest update p. 195)
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
Last edited by Böhse Tante on Tue Jan 28, 2020 1:00 am; edited 1 time in total
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
Re: Links zu Informationen über geschichtliche und politische Hintergründe
10. Oktober 2001 [url= Chossudovsky]Michel Chossudovsky[/url]
The main justification for waging this war has been totally fabricated.
The main reason for my wish to change this society is that so many human skills have no chance to come to fruition. Instead they are used in a really sick way so that people are maintaining their own suffering from wars, hunger and illness. But it can not be changed "top-down", only in some kind of "grassroots revolution" or better "evolution" where more and more people work together to get rid of TPTB (whoever that is).
No need for a "big event" but development. One of my ideas to reach it: Don't play "their" games - don't use "their" rules - don't think in the box of "their" paradigms.
It's more "refuse" than "resist" - without too much ideology. You don't need to know much about "what's going on behind the curtains", it's mainly to create your own rules together with like-minded people.
That is what I mean with "I'm on the side of the people".
Ceterum censeo Imperium Americanum esse delendum.
Die Lage ist hoffnungslos aber nicht ernst.
Böhse Tante- Posts : 16241
Reputation : 144
Join date : 2019-03-17
Age : 66
Location : ECB City
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